Chapter 20

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It took the boy an hour and a half to clear the first phase

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It took the boy an hour and a half to clear the first phase. Grabbing  all the tags and tying them together took more time than actually  knocking all a thousand and something applicants out. With that and a  phone call to Netero, Killua was allowed passing of the hunter exam in a  single phase. Probably making history while he was at it.

"Applicant 1219, Killua, You have passed the hunter exam!" His examiner pointed at him as a spotlight shone down. He grabbed his license and with that, he walked out of the examining site, looking left and right. "Now how do I get back ... "

Aurora nearly snapped her neck while shaking her head vigorously as Gon presented her with a fan, protesting. Biscuit smacked the boy over the head for his ignorance. "There's no way I'm licking stuff like Kurapika did. That's so gross!" Aurora was squeamish and disgusted at the thought.

Both herself and Biscuit had told the boy about Aurora's new conjuring task. And Gon meaning nothing more than to purely help her by sharing advice but he was excluding a large factor of information. "Ouch ... But you're doing what Kurapika did right? You're conjuring a weapon this time out of your own visual image." Gon said as he sat on the floor curiously awaiting her reply.

"Uh huh but Kurapika did those things because he was still a beginner to conjuring, having never conjured anything before in his life. I've mastered conjuring already. Remember the time I conjured a revolver?" She asked, taking them back to the memory in Yorknew city. She could conjure a half working revolver without an issue.

The only thing was that revolvers weren't the best for combat. Guns in general weren't her forte unless they were talking about pistols of sorts. Aurora couldn't aim to save her life, nor could she handle the recoil.

The boy made an 'o' with his lips to symbolize his understanding, causing the two females to chuckle.

Upon the alabaster haired boy's sudden and also soon arrival back to Greed Island which gave them much surprise, Aurora was the first to react as she nearly tackled him into the floor, wrapping her arms around his neck as he caught her by wrapping his own around her waist to steady the two of them.

"Killua!" His two friends chorused as he chuckled.

He peeled the girl off of him. "Told you I'd be back before then." He grinned as she nodded happily. Gon gave his best friend a high five of congratulations as Biscuit stared at her three students with beaming pride at how far they'd come and how much they've accomplished in such a small amount of time.

They showed the boy all the cards they had acquired in the minimal time he was gone. Testing out a card called contact, they scrolled through the contact names as they stopped at one. "Hey Gon ... When did you bump into him?" Killua asked with wide eyes. Gon curiously peered over to see what he was referring to.

Chrollo Lucilfer

Someone only able to contact players that they had been in contact with before. As far as she knew, there was no way Chrollo was in the game.

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