Dauntless [Side Story]

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The embodiment of dawn inhaled particles of the moon, amethyst eyes shimmered as an uncanny reflection through the dreary window with coughs followed behind like an echo bouncing off walls that held the lives and secrets of many others

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The embodiment of dawn inhaled particles of the moon, amethyst eyes shimmered as an uncanny reflection through the dreary window with coughs followed behind like an echo bouncing off walls that held the lives and secrets of many others.

The same walls that heard the unspoken words and goodbyes.

Those who died in the war were kempt with some kind of warmth habituated by the lady of daybreak. The last retribution of light before death hung low. Her warmth enveloped like a sunny spring day— a casket of light for the dead.

Aurora both despised war and liked it, especially being thrown into it at an age of seventeen.

She found a thrill to fighting. It was wonderful. The feeling of power that surged through her veins, control of the tides of the fight .. But Aurora too, never found herself to be a doctor, up until this moment. She didn't enjoy her job, not at all. It was insidious, in a way that twisted her insides and looped them around a cunning scythe of death.

The war had ravaged the lands, expanded to the nearby countries and tore numerous homes and families apart. A dispute started by Nen users and a country that forbade Nen. A country home to those who were normal. Nen users were considered an abomination of nature, tapping into something they shouldn't have, disrupting the balance of life.

They mutilated Nen users on sight. Hanging them in the town square or in front of government buildings, burning them on stakes like sinners. Even more so, they lured Nen users to the country under the guise of a job request. Aurora too, had a friend she had met on a trip to Whale Island who had come to accept a job requiring her to locate a missing person.

She later became the missing person .. and when Aurora came to search for her, she was starved, assaulted in the most inhumane ways. Her wounds were infected, her nails were ripped off and her eyes were gouged out, kept in a jar.

For a while .. Aurora fought in the war as well. At first, alone. She leaked rage from her swollen heart, using the same hand that put her friend out of her misery to find those who ignited the suffering.

After the Hunter's Association officially stepped into the war to aid the side of Nen users, they dispatched one of the thirteen zodiacs, Cheadle Yorkshire. The 14th chairwoman of the Hunter's Association, a doctor and a lawyer both, the moral compass of the zodiacs.

She was the one who pulled the tainted star out of the black hole that engulfed her reason.

Aurora hadn't a clue how to read charts .. or to care for people other than the ones she loved. She couldn't be full heartedly sympathetic to strangers. Indeed, the ravenette was kind .. but even so, there was a sliver of a sadist somewhere hidden in all of her brilliance that rivaled the sun.

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