Chapter 12

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Amethyst eyes stalked its prey carefully while upholding its innocent glint

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Amethyst eyes stalked its prey carefully while upholding its innocent glint. If this man's hand even touched her head, it's game over for her. He had good control over his Nen and his Ko was powerful enough to crush her skull nonetheless any other part of her body. But while using Ko he was also undefended by his aura.

She wanted to try a new trick she had learned as of recently, careful not to get hit while she was concentrating her Nen while envisioning something in her head. This man valued his arms quite a lot, thus his reasoning for using it as his main weapon. Also resulting in his greatest fear in being losing them.

Losing them meant practically losing his life. She was trying to wonder if this guy was really worth wasting some effort on. She didn't want to kill him, not that it was allowed anyway. "Hmm ... Hey mister, do you like butterflies?" The girl asked curiously as she nearly snapped her spine while doing a spin mid back hand spring to avoid the hand that was about to grab her ankle.

"Huh? Whats with the question kid?" He asked in a gruff voice. She clasped two hands behind her back as she simply shrugged innocently. He stopped for a moment and grinned. "Sure, I love butterflies, especially when I used to pick their wings off when I was younger. Watching them struggle was fun." He cackled as she glowered at him, pressing down on her lip.

"Ah. So you took away their beautiful wings, practically their entirety of their life both present and future. How cruel ... fitting for a shameful man as yourself." She said coldly. Change of plans, she wasn't going to make this very pretty for the man. She didn't want to get one of her precious butterflies hurt.

He laughed. "They're just insects girlie, no need to get so upset about it unless you want to finally get serious with me!" He said as he began to charge at her again. This time with a dark frown on her face she stood still, letting him come closer as she kneed his solar plexus before he tackled her to the ground. He coughed out a gasp of air but grinned as he grabbed her knee.

"Ha! That was too easy!" He said to himself as the commentator began to shout in awe as the crowd began to react. She scoffed arrogantly. "Would you like to see a magic trick before I finish you off mister?" She asked with a tilt of her head. The man hung her upside down with his grip now on her ankle, tightening, probably crushing a bone in the process but she didn't flinch.

"Girlie, do you see what position you're in? I have the upperhand right now, I could crack each and every bone in your body and it would still be allowed." He said as he brought her face closer to his. Most definitely, he could do that. But that was the least of her concerns. Quite honestly she was glad she decided to wear shorts under her skirt today but this was still annoying.

"I asked a yes or a no question, if you're incapable of answering that much then you're nothing more than a brainless buffoon." She said simply, knowing where to hit the nerves. He twitched in anger before he tossed her up into the air at such a height that she could potentially die or be disabled for the rest of her life.

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