Chapter 18

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In the end, they decided not to join the other group of players that were working for Mr

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In the end, they decided not to join the other group of players that were working for Mr. Battera. Gon was dead-set on playing the game on how his dad wanted and to enjoy it. Once they knew that the card cast on Killua couldn't harm him, they decided to split ways from the man they had met earlier and go on their own paths together.

After Killua had won the sword of truth in the rock paper scissors contest, someone had tried to take it from them to no avail. Afterward another large group approached them, obvious pros as they had taken the sword of truth. Gon was angry but the other two of his friends were rather accepting.

What could they have done against pros? Either they sacrificed the sword or they sacrificed their lives. It was a no-brainer obviously. Their next destination was Masadora, the city of magic where they could buy cards and obtain them easier.

They had bought a map at a store for a few thousand Jenny. A blank one to be more specific. Gon thought it'd be more fun if they filled it out together as they traveled. "Remember back on Whale Island when I said it'll be fun if we travel around and see things together? This seems just about right." Aurora chuckled. "Yeah! Let's get going!" Gon said energetically.

As they turned around to begin walking a sudden voice stopped them. "Please wait!" She shouted. Aurora turned around and saw a girl around their age running toward them. She had curly golden hair that was tied in pigtails as she wore a pink and red dress.

"I beg you! Please let me join you!" She cried out desperately. Her face was recognized from earlier as one of the people who had entered the game with them under the contract with the old man. "Oh sorry. Can't." Killua said in a nonchalant tone. She looked taken aback. "Wh-Why not?" She asked softly.

"You'd be a nuisance." He said casually to the girl. "Don't be mean, Killua." She poked at his side as he let out a grunt. "What? I'm being honest." Well then again, she was wearing a poofy red dress and looked like she was a princess, but to her defense, she had passed the screening, so Aurora kept a sharp eye.

They began to walk away, ignoring her cries for them as she followed them behind.

Uncoincidentially, she kept up with them as they kept running even till nightfall. Obviously she wasn't a normal girl either due to the fact that she passed the screening test. Their running came to a halt as they were stopped by a group of bandits.

Or so they thought.

The so called bandits fell to their knees, asking for help, bringing them to a nearby village. They were all coughing and ill sounding. "Please help us, there is a illness going around the island. It starts with a mild fever, grows to a high fever and eventually leads to death." He stated grimly.

"All we can do is use medicine to keep the fever in check." Another ailing man said with a cough. "But the medicine will only last for a week and is incredibly expensive. We're out of money and we've all fallen ill so we're unable to do any bandit work." He coughed once more as Aurora scooted away slightly.

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