Chapter 9

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Their group that had come all the way from the first trial of the Hunter's Exam had all sat in the lone compartment of a train leading to the nearby city where an airport awaited their arrival

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Their group that had come all the way from the first trial of the Hunter's Exam had all sat in the lone compartment of a train leading to the nearby city where an airport awaited their arrival.

Three of them small enough for one seat marshmallowed whilst the two older males sat across.

It had been a tight and uneasy ride with Aurora's darts toward Kurapika's sullen face, the reason stumbled out of his pearly lips soon afterward as Kurapika explained what Hisoka had said to him during his fight in which caused the jester for forfeit.

The world's largest auction that was taking place in Yorknew city on September 1st .. about eight months away.

And on that day, all hell would reign loose for the Kurta long left lone, separated by a mortality of him and his kin. In order to do so, required the lot of them to part ways until those eight months had reached its last moment of the transfigured hourglass that held a ticking time clock in the insurrection of sand.

"Stay safe you two." Aurora waved as both Leorio and Kurapika ruffled her head reassuringly. "We should be saying that to you three, stay away from havoc." Kurapika chuckled as the girl gave him a large hug despite her smaller frame that flopped onto his figure. "Stay out of trouble until then." Leorio had said in his usual nagging tone as the three nodded with much disregard.

It left the three of them to think about what they wanted to do.

Of course it was dead-set obvious they were going to spend the next passing months growing stronger-- but there were many problems. First, beginning that they were nothing more than just kids, second, they had not a single coin in their pockets .. and third, not a clue where to start either.

As the two boys began to bicker on that topic, Aurora played around with a stick on the ground, drawing circles around little ants that began to squirm and cry in terror as well as panic, trapped.

Killua looked down at his feet to see the mop of raven doing her usual .. prodding.

"Hey you got something against ants or what?" Killua slipped the stick out of her feeble grasp.

Blowing a raspberry at Gon, he puffed his chest proud and arrogant, "you .. versus Hisoka?" The alabaster haired boy scoffed, "this is how many worlds apart that is." Killua displayed his point by drawing a long line displaying the difference in strength between Gon, whom wanted to land a hit on Hisoka; and Hisoka whom was years ahead in experience in all three of them .. possibly combined.

The line kept going, and going ... and going until it reached the other side of the fence with a  light clank, causing Aurora to chortle a snicker. Gon wore a ticked off look on his face that matched with a bubbly pout that Aurora wanted to pop at the 'over exaggeration'.

"He's right, that is being pretty generous right there, Gon. We all saw how Hisoka made that man lose his arms before the exams even started, unless you could even amputate an arm in that split of a second .. then best of luck with that." Aurora shrugged as she nudged Gon's arm. He puffed out his cheeks as he stared at the line with a frown.

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