Chapter 4

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After her little

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After her little .. encounter .. Aurora now wandered around the ship, without a butterfly as a guide. Her light footsteps clacked and filled the sounds of the empty hall, tilting her head left and right. "Now .. where to find Killua and Gon ... " She peered around each and every corridor before the muffled sounds emitting from a blue door had peeked her curiosity.

She slid it open only to find Gon get shoved to the ground and Killua pushed aside by old man Netero whom was holding a ball in his hand. The two boys dove for the ball with great agility until a spark of Nen had ignited in Netero and he had snatched the ball away from their grasps, leaving the two boys on the floor.

"Wow, you're no ordinary old man." Aurora's voice had rung out as all three pairs of eyes snapped her way. Killua's hardened gaze had softened slightly at her appearance. "Oho? Would you like to join us, Miss Ivanov?" Netero had asked with an insidious glint in his eye.

Her skin crawled. Although the glimmer in his eye wasn't malicious like Hisoka's, it was mischievous, and made her scrunch her nose up.

Aurora shook her head. "I've just taken a shower, I don't particularly fancy having to take another one today." A skillful denial that followed with a huff. The old man shrugged in dismay. Gon and Killua's eyes flickered to the charred wood on the floor where Netero had once been, black and smoke emitting from the friction that was placed upon its surface.

How scary.

"You two have worked yourselves hard haven't you?" She praised them as Gon's grin only grew even wider. Killua however had begun to slowly stand up. "Forget it, I give up, I lose!" He announced. Gon looked at him with an expression of surprise, as did Netero.

"Why? We still have time." The green haired boy had pointed simplemindedly. Killua threw his t-shirt over his shoulder. "Look Gon, the old geezer hasn't even used his other hand yet." Killua had stated as Gon had come to the same realization.

"We're powerless against him. We could chase him around for a year and we still wouldn't get anywhere."

"Ehh?" Gon had looked at the old man in surprise. "And here I thought I had fooled you." He chuckled. Killua walked to the door "You really know how to piss me off old man! Let's go Aurora, Gon." He had called out.

Killua clicked his tongue. Netero was strong-- much stronger than him, and likely his elder brother as well .. and it annoyed him to great lengths. Being placed in a position in which he knew he would be proved wrong each time and would be sitting down at the bottom of the dumpster bin while Netero played around with him with nonchalance.

"Oh! I'm going to play a little longer." Gon had said bluntly. "Oh?" Aurora had hummed as she cocked her head to the side.

Killua and Gon had begun a one sided bickering argument as Aurora's eyes flickered over to Netero who smirked at her deviously as if he knew what was going on inside her head. He didn't seem like a bad person, but at the same time he was the conniving type that she particularly disliked.

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