Chapter 34

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A shaky sob escaped her rose lips as she tackled the boy to the ground with the alabaster haired boy following her afterward, sandwiching her between the two as she sobbed to her heart's content

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A shaky sob escaped her rose lips as she tackled the boy to the ground with the alabaster haired boy following her afterward, sandwiching her between the two as she sobbed to her heart's content. "You idiot!" She screamed at him, slapping him right afterward as they heard a crack from his neck, causing Killua to panic again.

But Aurora didn't relent. She pinned him down to the ground and shook his collar, slamming his head back into the ground until Killua yanked her off.

"You can't just kill him right after we brought him back!" Killua shouted at her, grabbing his friend's collar trying to shake him back to life again. "I'm the medic of this group, I didn't kill him!" She screeched back as Gon pulled the two in a hug, bringing their frantic argument to a skidding stop as he laughed.

Aurora sobbed on his chest. "Oh boy, you made her cry bad this time." Killua chuckled as they consoled the emotional train wreck known as Aurora. Gon didn't know what to do as he looked to Killua for help. He sighed and peeled the girl off of him as they both stared at the boy who scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"You're such a cry baby." Killua mumbled as he wiped away her tears. "Am not! Says the one who was crying his heart out to Palm!" She spat back at him, bursting into tears again as Gon chuckled, patting her back soothingly. "Hey! You were watching?!" He hissed at her as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Gon realized this too as he snapped his fingers. "That's right! I talked to Palm when I woke up and Kite too! I even met Ging and he gave me this after I went to go find you guys!" Gon gave her a piece of paper as the two crowded around to read it. 'I'm waiting at the top of the world tree.'

Killua zapped the piece of paper, disintegrating it. "What a father." Killua said aloud, stepping on the ashes of his note. "I'll push him off the world tree at this rate." Aurora followed after.

Regardless, that was where they were headed next as they trekked the tall mountain to reach the city that the tree resided in. It was beautiful and the air was nice and cool due to the elevation. The four of them got their picture taken with both boys on either side and the two girls within the middle.

It really was over.

"Killua, Aurora. Thanks for everything." Gon said with his usual warm smile. The boy flushed as Aurora poked his cheek teasingly. He swatted her hand away. "Yeah. Well, after you told me that you would defeat Pitou alone and that it was none of my business, I was pretty depressed!" Killua said intentionally aloud as Gon moped.

"I even stayed by your side to heal for your a week straight. I got Nen drain and didn't sleep and I cried my heart out!" Aurora dramatized as Gon drooped down on his knees guiltily. "I'm really sorry..." He whined aloud for the umpteenth time.

"You two!" Alluka scolded as they grinned cheekily. It was well deserved. "Well, you apologized. And I think I can say I'm only here with these two now because of the time I spent with you." Killua tugged both females to his side as they smiled. "Oh, she's the one who healed you." Aurora pointed to Alluka who waved.

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