Chapter 11

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Killua cried, and this  time he couldn't stop as he looked at the picture frame in the man's  hand

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Killua cried, and this time he couldn't stop as he looked at the picture frame in the man's hand. The man who's heart he had just dug out. "I...I don't want to do this anymore!" He cried out, wailing in pain. "I-I'm sorry..." He fell to his knees into the pool of crimson blood that wasn't his own.

If Illumi or his father had been on this mission with him, he would have been punished for crying, more specifically-- for feeling; for wanting things that he wasn't allowed to have.

A luminescent butterfly had landed on his nose. It was white, pure white; untainted and clean. It had touched him. Someone whom had been tainted, filthy and dirty from the blood stained on his hands. Screams that etched themselves into his memories and created a home in his nightmares.

Why would such a pure thing want anything to do with him?

It had flown off his nose, but not away. Its wings fluttered around delicately around his face. He wanted to touch it as he reached his hand out but then instantly retracted it in fear that he may accidentally kill the delicate creature. It was beautiful, but if he touched it, he would ruin it.

"I hate this..." He muttered as he buried his face into his knees, sobbing as his lungs clenched and tightened as his sobs dragged out. He could vividly feel something warm on his head. It was a hand.

"It's alright. Even if the world rejects you, I wont." A sweet melodic voice had spoken out as he felt himself get tugged into someone's comforting arms. He didn't bother looking at who it was, he was just desperate for the comfort as he buried his face in their chest and wrapped his arms around them.

Killua's previously lidded eyes, snapped open, revealing his delicate royal blue ones as he sat up, holding his head. "Hard to tell if that was a crappy nightmare or a dream. Maybe both." He said aloud to himself. He immediately shot his arms out, patting the bed, searching for someone.

"What the-" He snapped his head, looking around the surrounding area. However, the mysterious Aurora was nowhere to be found.

The voice he had heard in his dream. He was almost positive it was Aurora's. The soothing serene voice. The scent of her lavender perfume that lulled him to sleep and relaxed him just being by her.

Was he really just alone again?

He had begun laughing. It was a painful laugh full of sorrow. He really was alone.

There were no tears streaming down his face this time but he felt empty as he rested his chin on his knees, staring at the night sky that was sprinkled with stars. They were his only company in a big lonely world like the one he lived in.

"You're up earlier than I expec-" There wasn't a single opportunity for the girl to finish her sentence as a mop of white blurred her vision as she was sent tumbling to the ground with the boy's upper body laying on top of her smaller frame. She had just woken up and gone to the kitchen to get some water.

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