Chapter 14

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Most of their trip to whale island was spent with Aurora wrapping up Gon's injuries and him telling the two of them stories about his Aunt Mito

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Most of their trip to whale island was spent with Aurora wrapping up Gon's injuries and him telling the two of them stories about his Aunt Mito.

They stood in front of an oak door that belonged to a normal sized home as they knocked, waiting for a reply. "Coming! Who could it b--" The motherly melodic voice was cut off as soon as she opened the door and pulled Gon into a hug faster than the two could see. One moment he was beside them and the next he was in the arms of his loving aunt.

"I'm home Aunt Mito! I brought some friends too!" Gon said, muffled as he was still stuffed in the crook of his aunt's neck. She pulled away from him to look at the two beside the boy. "Welcome back Gon .. And who might these two be?" She asked curiously, eyes flickering toward the ebony haired girl and the alabaster haired boy who minded their manners and bowed respectfully.

"I'm Aurora. I've heard a lot about you .." She was unsure of what to call the woman. Certainly not mother. Mrs sounded too formal and Aunt .. was a little bit on the wavering side. She waved her hand dismissively. "Just call me Aunt Mito dear. You're quite lovely." She said as she pat the girl's head.

"I'm Killua, nice to meet you." The boy said with a small smile. "Goodness, well I don't want to make you wait outside, come in, come in." She ushered as she opened the door wider.

There house felt .. homey. It was modestly decorated and felt warm. For once, behaving like good civil children with manners after being raised in the prestigious families they belonged to, Killua and Aurora sat quietly sipping their cups of tea while Mito nagged Gon. "Honestly! You should have told me that you were coming home. I didn't have time to prepare anything!"

"It's not a big deal. Whatever is fine." Gon shrugged as he sat down opposite to Aurora and beside Killua. "What are you saying? Your friends even came all the way out to visit!" She scolded, almost sounding like Aurora went she scolds Gon for getting injured.

"Oh, no, it's fine, really." Killua insisted as he held a hand up. "Thank you for letting us stay here. You really have a marvelous home." Aurora said genuinely as she subconsciously smiled. "What a sweet girl." Aunt Mito cooed.

"Honestly, you should have said something!" She continued nagging on while Killua and Gon smiled cheekily at each other causing the woman to pull out a plate threateningly at them causing the two imbeciles to flinch lightly.

"Oh that's right, go take a bath while I prepare food. And put out your dirty clothes, I'll be doing laundry." She said. Aurora was taken aback by this, this woman was more strict than she was. "Okay, ill do it later." Gon said nonchalantly until the woman whipped back around. "Do it now! You have ten seconds!"

She began counting down as Gon got into a panic and stripped his shirt off, leaving Killua to cover Aurora's eyes for no reason in particular while he used his other hand to take another sip out of his drink. "Is she always like this?" Killua asked, not used to this particular thing either.

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