Chapter Three

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letters from no one

Harry and Primrose are shown in the living room cleaning when Dudley came down the stairs, "they stuff people's heads down the toilet at stonewall," he told primrose who just ignored him as usual, "Want to come upstairs and practice?"
"No, thanks," said the twins together. "The poor toilets never had anything as horrible as your head down it — it might be sick." Then he grabbed primroses arm and ran out of the room before Dudley could process what he said.

The next evening Dudley paraded around the living room for the family in his brand new uniform. Smelting boys wore maroon tailcoats, orange knickerbockers, and flat straw hats called boaters.


"Suddenly the Hogwarts uniform isn't that bad anymore"

Harry walked into the kitchen the next morning and quickly covers his nose. The smell seemed to be coming from the large metal tub in the sink, the tub was full of what looked like dirty rags swimming in heat water.

"That looks repulsing," said Mary

"What's this?" He asked aunt petunia. Her lips tightened, "Your new school uniform," she said just as primrose walked through the kitchen door gagging. "yeah no way in hell, am I wearing those horrendous things,"

"Yes, you will, girl" snapped aunt petunia glaring at the girl, who just rolled her eyes at the woman.
Harry glanced back in the bowl again "oh," He said, "I didn't realize it had to be so wet."

Lily grimace, "petunia doesn't like sarcasm or disrespect"

"Don't be stupid," snapped aunt petunia. "I'm dyeing some of Dudley's old things gray for you, and your brat of a sister. After I've finished it'll look just like everyone else's."

"That brat of a sister can hear you tuna"

"Yep, definitely James daughter." Murmured Remus
James smiled proudly at his daughter while lily was shaking her head, knowing what her sister was like.

"Did she call her tuna?" asked Bellatrix
A note appeared in front of her " sure did, bells-bells. -R.L.P" it read. Bellatrix groaned at the nickname.

Just as Aunt Petunia was going to yell at Rose, Uncle Vernon and Dudley walked in, with wrinkled noses due to the smell. "Primrose, go to your cupboard now!"
Rose groaned as she walked out of the kitchen, right past them.

Uncle Vernon took his seat at the table and opened his newspaper as usual while Dudley banged his Smelting Stick on everything he could.

The click of the mail slot and letters being flopped onto the Doormat was heard.

"OH, OH! Does this mean they're getting their Hogwarts letter?" Questioned Sirius while James was jumping up and down in his seat.

"Get the mail, Dudley," said Uncle Vernon behind his paper.

"Wow, would you look at that? The man is finally making his spoiled son do coming." Said Regulus

"Make Harry get it."
"Get the mail, Harry."

Regulus groaned, "guess not"

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