Chapter Nineteen

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Diagon Alley

(Not edited)

A/N: I literally had no energy to write this past week so I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't be a silent reader, I enjoy reading the comments ;)

The screen lights up to show Mrs. Weasley picking up a pot from the mantel.

Mrs. Weasley offers harry a flowerpot, that has a layer of very soft dust at the bottom, "You first, Harry, Primrose, dear"

James and Sirius share a look and grimace, 

Harry frowns in confusion.

Ron buts in, "But The twins never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum"

"Floo Powder?" Harry and Primrose repeat

"Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that Harry can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it" Mrs. Weaslsy says as she hands Ron the flowerpot

He took a pinch of glit­ter­ing pow­der out of the flow­er­pot, stepped up to the fire, and threw the pow­der in­to the flames. the fire turned emer­ald green and rose high­er than Ron, who stepped right in­to it, and shout­ed, "Di­agon Al­ley!" and van­ished.

Primrose and Harry's eyes widened, Primrose shakes her head and smirked

"It's weird how she had the same smirk as her dad whenever he's planning trouble"

"You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go. That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly"

The twins step into the fireplace, grabbing some of the powder and doing exactly what Ron did, "Diagonally" they shout together and disappear.

"What did they say?" Regulus asks

Evan shrugs, "I think they said it wrong"

"What did he say, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asks her husband.

the twins land in Borgin and Burkes. Harry Landed face forward onto cold stone making his glasses break. Dizzy and bruised, cov­ered in soot, he got gin­ger­ly to his feet, hold­ing his bro­ken glass­es up to his eyes, Primrose snorts, holding back a laugh as she looks around at the store.

"Isn't that Borgin and Burke's?" Bellatrix questions out loud.

James squints at the screen, "It looks like it," he mindlessly mumbles before a look of panic takes over his face, "what are they doing there, out of all places!" he exclaims

The door to the store opens, making the bell Clanged, the twins share a look of panic before Primrose drags her brother to a random cabinet in the store as Draco and an older man who had the same pointed face and pale blonde hair as Draco walked into the store.

"Don't touch anything, Draco"

Draco, who had reached for the glass eye, said, "I thought you were go­ing to buy me a present."

"I said I would buy you a rac­ing broom," his fa­ther said, drum­ming his fin­gers on the counter.
"What's the good of that if I'm not on the House team?" said Mal­foy, look­ing sulky, his father gave him a look that made his eyes full of panic, As Mr. Borgin the owner of the store came up to Mr.Malfoy

"Uh, Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again. And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, just in today and very reasonably—"

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