Chapter fifty three

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The Second task/ Pensive

(not edited)

[The Weasly twins are shouting, busy taking bets. Harry is walking along with Neville, he has some green plant life in his hand.]

"You're sure about this, Neville?" Harry asks unsure.

Neville nods, "Absolutely."

"If I eat this, I'll be able to breathe underwater?"


"For an hour."

"Most likely."

"Most likely?!" James shouts, a look of panic on his face.

Harry looks up from his hand, "Most likely?"

"Well, there is some debate among Herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater—"

"So helpful." Barty rolls his eyes.

"You're telling me this now? You must be joking." Harry hissed.

"I just wanted to help."

Harry looks around, "Well that makes you sight better than Ron and Hermione. Where are they anyway?"

"Yeah shouldn't they be with harry right now?"

"I'm more worried about where Primrose is." Regulus mumbled

"You seem a little tense Harry."

Harry scoffs, "Do I?"

Dumbledore's voice is heard over a loudspeaker, "Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own."

Remus gasped, "There at the bottom of the lake!"


"Dumbledore just said that a treasure was sloten from the champions. Just use your brain Sirius!"

[The screen changes to show Champions waiting in the viewing towers]

Fleur looks imperious, oblivious to
the Beausbaton girls that buzz about her. Karkaroff whispers to the impassive Krum. Cedric rolls his neck and stretches. Harry, a towel draped over his neck, casts a dubious eye at the slimy green coil of leaves undulating in his palm.

"Put that in your mouth," Moody tells Harry.

"That's what he said"

"Oh grow up Evan!"

Harry puts the gilliweed in his mouth and starts choking. Moody hits him in the back.

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