Chapter Fourty-Five

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Quidditch World Cup

(not edited)

[The screen opens up to show an old man lighting up a gas oven with a match]

"Who's that."

He notices a light on in the large house opposite, he stops what he's doing and walks to the door.

"Bloody kids." the old man grumbles as
he leaves the house and heads towards the light.

[The old man is wandering up to the house carrying a lit torch.]

He opens the front door, and the inside is just as dark. He begins climbing the stairs, when whispers and hushed voices are heard coming from upstairs.

The old man waits outside the room where the conversation taking place and listens on.

"Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the boy and girl..." Pettigrew squeaks.

Peters's chin wobbles.

James silently rubs his back. The Peter that betrayed him isn't the Peter that is sitting next to him, and he would do anything in his power to keep it that way.

"NO! The boy and girl are everything, it cannot be done without them and it will be done exactly as I say." the voice belong to a man but was strangely high-pitched and cold.

Rabastans breath gets caught in his throat.

"I will not disappoint you, my lord." Said an unknown man.

Barty frowns, that man looks strangely familiar.

"Good. First, gather our old comrades.
send them a sign."

A snake slithers past the old man and into the room.

"Nagini tells me the old caretaker is standing outside the door."

Wormtail stands in the doorway and looks at the old man. The old man looks terrified.

"Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting."

A loud spell is cast and Harry wakes up in a flash of panic.


Harry is flustered and still panting, he felt around for his glasses, put them on, and sat up.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asks him.

"Hermione. Bad dream. When did you get here?"

"Just now. You?"

"Last night."

Hermione goes over to Ron's bed.

"Wake up. Wake up, Ronald!"

Ron wakes up and pulls his blanket over his chest, "Bloody hell."

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