Chapter Forty-four

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[Harry, Hermione, and Buckbreak are now running through the forest at night]

"Now what?" Harry whispered, looking around.

"We save Sirius."

"And we do that... how?"

"No idea."

"How the fuck are you gonna save him if you don't know how."

McGonagall gives up with trying to scold them for their foul language.

They continue to run, stopping at the edge of the forest. The Whomping Willow.

A figure approaches the thrashing tree.

"Look. It's Lupin" Harry said suddenly.

"It's Moony." Sirius nudges Remus's shoulder.

As the Whomping Willow continues to thrash, Lupin takes a stick and pokes a knot in the trunk. Instantly, the Willow calms.

"Here comes Snape."

As Lupin disappears into the gap at the base of the tree, Snape makes his way down the slope.

"And now we wait." Whispers Harry.

"Now we wait," Hermione repeats.

[Moments later Harry and Hermione are sitting together in the lengthening shadows. Harry snaps off a piece of chocolate, and hands it to Hermione.]

Evan shakes his head, "I can't believe they time traveled."



"Before. Down by the lake. When I was with Sirius...I did see someone... that someone made the Dementors go away."

Hermione nods, "With a Patronus. I heard Snape telling Dumbledore when we were taken to the hospital. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."

Harry smiles a bit, "It was my Dad."

James shakes his head, looking like he's about to break down.

Sirius and Remus rub his back.

Hermione looks at Harry.

"It was my Dad who conjured the Patronus."

Harry glanced up at Hermione and saw that her mouth was fully open now. She was gazing at him with a mixture of alarm and pity.

"But, Harry, your Dad's..."

"Dead. I know. I'm just telling
you what saw."

Hermione nods, not wanting to press Harry further, then glances beyond the trees, toward the Whomping Willow.

"Here we come." She whispers.

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