Chapter Thirty-Two

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Welcome back

Primrose was walking to the great hall for the feast when she was suddenly pulled into an abandoned classroom.

"What the fuck let go of me!"

James looks freaked out, "who just grabbed her."

She looks up to see four pairs of eyes glaring at her.

"Care to explain why rumors are going around that you almost died," Mattheo said, very calmly which honestly freak Prim out.

"Yeah what the heck prim!" The rest of them shout.

Primrose gulps, "I may or may have not to meet daddy riddle."

Mattheo just blinks at her.

Theodore looks her up and down, "Are you okay?"

She scoffs, "I mean I almost died, but yeah I'm fine."

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" Blaise asks.

She shakes her head, and then turns to look at Draco who looked like he was gonna be sick, "Oh yeah by the way when you go home you won't have a house elf anymore."


"Yeah, my brother set him free."

Draco frowns before giving pulling her into a hug, the others join in.

"I want a friendship like theirs."

All of Marlenes friends turn to look at here, "What are we? Chopped fish?"

"I'm not letting you alone with your brother anymore."

"I wouldn't either." Remus shudders.

Primrose chuckles and kisses Mattheo on the cheek.

"Awe.." lily smiles.

"When are they gonna get together." Says Mary

[The screen fades out to show everyone in the great hall for the end-of-year feast]

Nearly Headless Nick, now revitalized, floats along the row between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables in the Great Hall.

Female Student: Welcome back, Sir Nicholas!

Nearly Headless Nick: Thank you.

Another Female Student: Good evening, Sir Nicholas.

Nearly Headless Nick: Good evening.

Male Student: Good to see you, Sir Nicholas.

Nearly Headless Nick: Thank you.

[he reaches the doors to the Great Hall, he passes Filch, who is just happy to have Mrs. Norris back, and Hermione walks in as he turns toward her]

"Hermione! Welcome back."

Hermione smiles at the ghost, "Thanks, Sir Nicholas."

"Yay! She's back."

Nearly Headless Nick floats away as Hermione glances at the Gryffindor table.

"Harry- it's Hermione!" Neville points out.

Harry and Ron both get up as Hermione runs forward with a smile, and jumps into Harry's arms.

She goes to hug Ron but pauses and settles for a handshake instead.

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