Chapter 16

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Not really going home

(Not edited)

[The screen fades back to show primrose in the Slytherin common room, with Draco, Theo, Blaise, and Riddle]

"Wanna know what I did today," Primrose says with a mischievous expression on her face.

"Sure," Theo says excitedly as everyone else nods

Primrose smirked, "I faced Voldemort."

"The fact that she says it so causally"

That cause everyone to stop what they were doing, and to look at her as she was crazy. Mattheo goes ridged.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that" Blaise asks

"I fought Voldemort?"

"Where?" Draco questions supporting a black eye from the other night

"Um, here in the third corddior"

They still look at her like she crazy, but also scan her up and down to make sure she's not hurt.

Mattheo clears his throat, suddenly very uncomfortable, "but like how? I thought they said he was gone."

"He was on the back of Professor Qurriells head," she turns to Draco "remember when we were out in the forbidden forest and we saw the hooded creature feeding on the poor unicorn, that was him."

Mattheo grumbles, "I still can't believe you left her like a little bitch"

Draco's cheeks turn pink, "I went and got help!"

Theodore rolls his eye, "I still think you deserve more than a single punch in the face for leaving my prim darling, out there in danger."

Blaise turns to prim, "can you tell us the full story?"

Primrose nods her head and starts from the beginning where they went through the trap door to Harry burning Qurriell alive...

[The screen switches to show harry In the hospital wing the next day, laying in bed with his arm bandaged. He awakens, puts on his glasses, and sits up. There are cards and candy all over. Dumbledore approaches him.]

"Good afternoon, Harry. Ah. Tokens from your admirers?" Dumbledore said, beaming


"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows." They both smile. "Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs."

Harry looks at the empty chocolate container, "Ron was here? Is he all right? What about Hermione? Primrose?"

"Fine. They're all just fine."

"But, what happened to the Stone?"

"Relax, dear boy. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around."

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