Chapter Thirty-One

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Healing Powers/ Dobbys Award

(not edited)

White-​hot pain was spread­ing slow­ly and steadi­ly from the wound. Even as she dropped the fang and watched her own blood soak­ing her robes, her vi­sion went fog­gy. The Cham­ber was dis­solv­ing in a whirl of dull col­or.

Lily and Euphemia were full on sobbing my now.

Primrose smiles at her brother, "I love you. No matter what happens I'll always be here for you."

Sirius smiled sadly at the screen, having a strange sense of déjà vu.

Harry shakes his head, eyes watering, "No you're not dying. Remember what we said."

"Forever." She whispered. "And I will be here forever, just not physically."

Narcissa's eyebrows furrow, "She can't die, right. I mean there's still five more films left."

"Why do you care, she's a filthy half-blood?"

Sirius sneers at Lucius, "Watch it."

"No, You're not dy—" Harry was cut off by a soft clat­ter of claws be­side him.
The bird layed its beau­ti­ful head on the spot where the ser­pent's fang had pierced primrose.
They could hear echo­ing foot­steps and then a dark shad­ow moved infront of them.

"You're dead, Primrose Pot­ter," said
Rid­dle's voice above her. "Dead. Even Dum­ble­dore's bird knows it. Do you see what he's do­ing, Pot­ter? He's cry­ing. And soon you're brother will join you."

Primrose blinked. Fawke's head slid in and out of fo­cus. Thick, pearly tears were
trick­ling down the glossy feath­ers.
"I'm go­ing to sit here and watch you die, Pot­ter. Take your time. I'm in no hur­ry. And then I'll go tell my son that I watched his only source of happiness die."

Primrose felt drowsy. Ev­ery­thing around her seemed to be spin­ning.

"You are sick and cruel." She spits out, heart hurting at the thought of Mattheo finding out she's dead.

"From what we've seen I don't think that kid is gonna make it without her." barty murmured

"So this is the end of the fa­mous Primrose and Harry Pot­ter," said Rid­dle's dis­tant voice. "Alone in the Cham­ber of Se­crets, for­sak­en by their friends, de­feat­ed at last by the Dark Lord they so un­wise­ly
chal­lenged. You'll be back with your dear Mud­blood moth­er soon, Potters... She bought you twelve years of bor­rowed time... but Lord Volde­mort got you in the end, as you knew he must..."

James and all of lilys friends sneer at the screen.

'If this is dy­ing, it's not so bad' primrose thought

"She can't die! I won't allow it!" Evan grumbles.

Regulus turns to his friends, "It's the future you can't do anything about it."

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