Chapter fifty

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Dress robes/ Dates

[Primrose is seated in the great hall at the Slytherin table, she looks over at the Gryffindor table and sneers.]

"I can't believe my idiotic brother forgave him so easily!"

"Our brothers are shitholes relatable."

Sirius looks at Regulus, offended.

"Come on now Prim, it's his best mate."

Primrose glares at Mattheo, "He called me a slut!"

Mattheo looked up from his plate, eyes dark, "That ginger fuck called you what"

"Oh no. The ginger fuck is gonna get it." Marlene whistles.

Molly glares, "Stop calling my son that!"

Primrose huffs, "He called me a slut, hell ever since I met him he's given me shit."

"And Potter just allows it?" Draco questioned

"Yes! Harry doesn't say shit about it."

Draco and Mattheo share a look, and Draco nods.

Primrose looks around, frowning, "Hey where are Blaise and Theo?"

Evan looks giddy, "Oh oh I know I know!!"

Barty glances at him, "What on earth are you so giddy about."

"I can win a bet with Reggie with this."

Regulus raises a brow, "And where do you think they are?"

"Probably in a broom closet hooking up."

Regulus makes a face, "Yeah I'm not betting on that."

Evan pouts.

Both boys shrug. Primrose shakes her head and looks back to her brother.

Harry is looking at the Ravenclaw table, most specifically at a girl. When she looks back at him, he spills the drink from his mouth.

James grimaced.

Chuckled are heard throughout the great hall.

Draco laughs, "Bloody potter."

"Draco why are you so obsessed with my brother, if I didn't know any better I'd say you fancy him."

Draco goes red, "Don't insult me, Primrose."

Rabastan hummed, "You know that would explain a lot."

Lucius sneers, "My son does not fancy some half-blood let alone boy."

[The camera pans over to the Gryffindor table as Hermione reads a newspaper]

"Look at this! I can't believe it she's done it again." Hermione scowls

'Miss Granger a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow.'

Ron snorts, "You and Krum. That's rich."

Hermione glowers at him.

"I just mean... I know you. Krum's famous."

"Who's more famous than Harry
Potter? And he's your best friend."

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