Chapter Sixty

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The Hearing

[Primrose is brushing her hair in the mirror, humming a song]

"Dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen."

James wipes a tear away, "ABBA she truly is my daughter."

Lily rolls her eyes at the man she supposedly marries and has twins with.

She was so out of it that she didn't notice the translucent body staring at her.

"Who are you? You remind me of someone,"

Evan's face lights up, "Reggie it's you!"

Regulus looks up, shocked, and confused.

Primrose jumps back, hairbrush falling to the floor, she reaches for her wand.

"Don't come any closer!"

"Isn't she already in trouble for using underage magic?"

"Yeah but ghost black doesn't know that." Peter eyes Regulus.

"Why would I hurt the girl potter?"

"I cannot harm you, girl. I am a ghost." The man deadpans, he puts his hand through the dresser to prove a point.

"Glad to see you still have that charming sense of humor," Barty laughs.

Her eyes go wide as his hand goes through.


The man tilts his head, "You wouldn't happen to be a potter would you."

"Tell me who you are first then I'll answer your question, ghost."

The man's lips twitch. "Black. Regulus black. Now tell me who you are and why you're in my room."

"Wow, Reggie you look so young." Rabastan stares in astonishment.

"Regulus? As in Sirius Black's brother?"

Regulus face goes stonic, "I have no brother."

Sirius shifts in his seat.

Primrose frowns, "I'm Primrose."

Regulus lifts a brow, seeming bored. "Primrose what?"


Regulus hums, "And who's your father."

James huffs, "Like you don't already bloody know."

Primrose had a feeling he already knew. "James Potter."

"You look ridiculously like him."

"So I've been told."

Primrose looks regulus up and down, "You're hot for a ghost."

James and Sirius scream in horror or disgust...

Regulus splutters, "E-Excuse— Excuse me!? Hot for a ghost I'll tell you right now!"

[The screen changes to show Mattheo in a dark room sitting at a table, head low]

Evan gasped, "It's the riddle kid!"

"It's your duty. Your legacy." A cold voice hissed

Bellatrix sits straighter at the voice.

Mattheo gave a small nod, "Yes Father."

"This upcoming school year I have an important task for you. You will convince the girl potter to join our side."

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