Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Flight of the Fat Lady

(not edited)

[Theodore barges into Primrose's room with a look of panic on his face.]

James scrunches his nose, "Why is he in my daughter's bedroom."

"James I swear if you comment about your daughter being close to boys one more time I will tell lily abo—"

Mary was cut off by James' hand that he quickly slap over her mouth, eyes wide with panic.

Primrose immediately jumps up from her bed.

"What's wrong? Do you need help hiding a body? Do I need to punch someone?"

Theo quickly shakes his head, tears start to well up in his eyes making her panic even more.

Andromeda frowns, "What happened now?"

"Was it Draco? Even with a broken arm, I'll gladly punch him." She starts to look for her shoes.

Regulus and a few others snort.

He clears his throat before blurting out, "Ithinkilikeblasie."


Primrose stops what she's doing and turns to look at him, "What?"

Theodore takes a deep breath, "I think I like Blaise."

Marlene, Evan, and Sirius all jump out of their seats, screaming with joy.

"I knew it!"

Lucius's face scrunches into a look of disgust, "What a disgrace."

Sirius glares at him, "Shut up you blonde idiot."

Primrose just stares at him, before a huge smile breaks free. She jumps on him hugging him closely, "I KNEW IT!!"

Theodore looks shocked, "You're not mad, disgusted?"

Primrose smacks him on the back of the head with her free arm, "No you idiot! I already had a feeling anyways."


She nods her head. "How'd you know?"

Theodore scratches the back of his neck, cheeks red. "Um— well you see we were sitting on the couch in the common room and our hands brushed and I swear my heart felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest." Theodore Quickly looks to the floor, "But I'm not sure he feels the same way."

"Awe that's adorable, And I'm pretty sure Blaise feels the same way I can feel it in my gut, and you know my gut feelings are never wrong."

Theodore chuckles, "Like Mattheo being obsessed with you?"

James and Sirius both crossed their arms and glared at the screen, "No."

This time it was Primrose who went bright red, "Shut up!"

Alice giggles, "That was adorable."

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