Chapter Five

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(I don't remember if I mentioned this but just so anyone doesn't get confused, Rose is short for Primrose)

Diagon Alley

The screen shows Harry, hagrid, and Primrose on a train. Harry is reading all the stuff they need for Hogwarts.

"First-year students will require three sets of plain work robes... one wand."
Harry looks up at Hagrid confused, "Essential bit of equipment, Harry."

Harry continues to read, "One pair of dragon-hide gloves."

"Hagrid, do they mean from a real dragon?"
"No harry, from a fake one," primrose says sarcastically

"Well, they don't mean a penguin, do they? Ha."

James looks at his daughter proudly. "She has the Potter sarcasm, I can tell she's gonna cause a whole lot of trouble at Hogwarts, can't you Padfoot, moony, worm tail."

"Yes," all three boys said together smiling

McGonagall sighed and muttered something about retiring.

"Crikey, I'd like a dragon."

"Watch hagrid become the care of magical creatures in the next year or so." Says Remus

"You'd like a dragon?" said the twins together, Primrose looks up in awe after previously just staring at the floor, "Me Too!" She says excitedly

"No!" Says Euphemia, Lily, Remus already knowing the girl is gonna be exactly like a mini James.

"Vastly misunderstood beast, Harry. Vastly misunderstood."

The screen fades to black and then shows the three of them walking in muggle London

"All students must be equipped with... One standard size 2 pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either a cat, a toad, or an owl." said harry reading off the same list as before.

Harry looks up at Hagrid "can we find all this in London?"

"If you know where to go."

Finally, they came to a halt as they reach a black door with a sign that says 'The leaky Calderon'
The low buzz of chatter seemed to stop as they walked in, everyone seemed to know hagrid. The bartender raises a glass and says "The usual, Hagrid?"

"No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business, just helping young harry and primrose buy their school supplies."

The bartender stares at the twins "bless my soul." the old bartender whispered, "It's Harry and Primrose Potter!"
At that, the whole pub goes silent and turns to look at the twins.

"I don't think the pub has been that silent before," says Barty

The person at the table next to them quickly go to shake their hand
"Welcome back, Mr, and Ms. Potter," he said while shaking the twin's hands "welcome back"

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