Chapter Twenty Five

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Nothing to tell/ Polyjuice Potion pt.1

A/N: Ahhh this book is at 30k reads!! I still can't believe it, when I started writing this book I didn't think it would get anywhere, and now here we are! I just want to say thank you for all the love and support and don't forget to vote and comment ;)
Also what ships do you guys want to see? I Have a New book out if you want to go check it out. It's called poison Ivy.

[The screen shows Primrose and Blaise at the library.]

James scowls at the screen, obviously not liking his daughter alone with a boy.

"My brother and Ron think that Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin."

Blaise burst out laughing, "I'm sorry? Draco? No way."

"That's what I said! But they won't listen to me."

Blaise looks over at the clock, "Crap, We're supposed to meet up with Draco and Theo."

They quickly gather up their stuff and began walking out. As they round up to the exit they run into Hagrid.

"Oh, hel­lo, Ha­grid," Primrose says, look­ing up.

Ha­grid's face was en­tire­ly hid­den by a wool­ly, snow-​cov­ered bal­acla­va, but it couldn't pos­si­bly be any­one else, as he filled most of the cor­ri­dor in his mole­skin over­coat. A dead roost­er was hang­ing from one of his mas­sive, gloved hands.

"All right, Primrose, Zabini?" he said, pulling up the bal­acla­va so he could speak. "Why aren't yeh in class?"

"Can­celed, What're you do­ing in here?"

Ha­grid held up the limp roost­er.

"Sec­ond one killed this term," he explained. "It's ei­ther fox­es or a Blood-​Suckin Bug­bear, and I need the
Head­master's per­mis­sion to put a charm around the hen coop."

She nodded her head, "We have to go, but it was nice seeing you hagrid," and with that, She and Blaise walked off.

"Prim, I have to use the Loo, so I'll just meet you there," Blaise says, and with a nod, he's gone leaving Primrose alone.

"Don't leave her! You idiot!" Dorcas exclaims

She stamped up the stairs and turned along an­oth­er cor­ri­dor, which was
particularly dark; the torch­es had been
ex­tin­guished by a strong, icy draft that was blow­ing through a loose win­dow­pane.

She was halfway down the pas­sage when she stopped, seeing her brother tripping over some­thing ly­ing on the floor.


Harry got to his feet and turned around and let out a breath when he saw it was only his sister.

"Oh hey, Rosie."

Primrose eyebrows draw together, "what'd you trip on?"

They turned to squint at what he'd fall­en over and felt as though their stom­ach had dis­solved.

Justin Finch-​Fletch­ley was ly­ing on the floor, rigid and cold, a look of shock frozen on his face, his eyes star­ing blankly at the ceil­ing. And that wasn't all. Next to him was an­oth­er fig­ure, the strangest sight The twins had ev­er seen.

It was Near­ly Head­less Nick, no longer pearly-​white and trans­par­ent, but black and smoky, float­ing im­mo­bile and hor­izon­tal, six inch­es off the floor. His head was half off and his face wore an ex­pres­sion of shock iden­ti­cal to Justin's.

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