Chapter Twenty Nine

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[The screen lights back up to show Harry and Ron exiting the cabin]

They glance to their left at the window, to see the spiders scurrying out the window, down the side of the house, towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Come on."

"What?" Ron croaks

"You heard what Hagrid said: "Follow the spiders."

"No!" Both Molly and Lily yell out.

"They're heading to the Dark Forest!"

Harry just walks away towards the forest, carrying Hagrid's lantern; Ron reluctantly follows.

"Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"? Harry, I don't like this. Harry, I don't like this at all."

Harry Shushes him.

"Can we go back now?" Ron asks,

"Come on!"

[The screen switches to show primrose hanging out with Theo in his dorm room.]

"My twin is doing something stupid right now." Said Primrose taking a bite of chocolate.

"How would she know?"

"I'm guessing some weird freaky twin thing." Says Snape.

"Mhm chocolate." Remus hums, wanting some.

Sirius pulls out a chocolate bar from his pocket and hands it to him.

Theodore looks at her strangely, "And how would you know Prim darling,"

"Because I can feel it." She deadpans.

"What do you think he's doing?" Mattheo asks her while playing with her hair.

"Awe, that's so cute." Mary gushes.

James scowls at her, "No it isn't."

"Probably sneaking out with ginger boy."

Regulus snorts, "Ginger boy."

That caused everyone in the room to laugh.

[The screen switches back to Harry and Ron.]

They walked for what seemed like at least half an hour, Af­ter a while, they no­ticed that the ground seemed to be slop­ing down­ward, though the trees were as thick as ev­er.
There was a strange rum­bling noise and then si­lence. Then suddenly a low rumbling voice spoke out making them stop walking.

ARAGOG: Who is it?

"Don't panic," Harry whispered to a fearful-looking Ron.

ARAGOG: Hagrid? Is that you?

"We're friends of Hagrid's."

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