Chapter Twenty Seven

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Tom riddle

[Primrose stormed into Mattheo's dorm. Eyes flashing]

"She does not look happy."

"Why is she in a boy's dorm?"

"James shut up!"

Riddle who was reading a book on his bed, lazily looks up, he raised a brow at the girl.

"He reads!"

"I thought you weren't talking to me at the moment."

She glares at him, "Shut it. Does the name Tom Riddle sound familiar to you?"

Mattheo froze, "Where did you hear that name from."

"My brother, Ron, and I found a diary with 'T.M. Riddle' engraved on it. And I knew that sounded familiar from when snape made me Clean the trophy's room last year. So now I'm here because I don't think it's such a coincidence that you both have the same last name... So talk."

Mattheo let out a sigh and patted the spot next to him.

"Tom Riddle is my dad."

Primrose looks confused, "Okay?"

He takes a deep breath and turns to look her straight in the eyes, because what he's about to tell her will maybe cost them their 'Friendship'.

[The screen switches to show harry in the Gryffindor common room with his sister, Ron, and Hermione.]

Marlene groans, "I wanted to know what else he needed to tell her!"

Primrose looks at the diary strangely, especially after what Riddle just told her.

"I wish I knew why some­one did try to chuck it," said Har­ry. "I wouldn't mind know­ing how Rid­dle got an award for
spe­cial ser­vices to Hog­warts ei­ther."
"Could've been any­thing," said Ron. "Maybe he got thir­ty O.W.L.s or saved a teach­er from the gi­ant squid. Maybe he mur­dered Myr­tle; that would've done ev­ery­one a fa­vor ..."

Primrose glares at Ron before she looks away, she was being unusually quiet today.

"Yeah that's not a good sign." Barty mumbles, from watching the films he's gathered up that when something bothering her, she goes quiet.

"What?" said Ron, noticing the looks that they were giving each other.
"Well, the Cham­ber of Se­crets was opened fifty years ago, wasn't it?" Harry said. "That's what Mal­foy said."
"Yeah..." said Ron slow­ly.
"And this di­ary is fifty years old," said Hermione, tap­ping it ex­cit­ed­ly.

Lily frowns, "Why didn't they get rid of the diary?"

"Because they love getting themselves into dangerous situations without realizing it." Remus says also frowning.

Primrose scowled at the diary, 'Merlin are they so dumb! The facts are right in front of them.' She thought.
"Oh, Ron, wake up," snapped Hermione. "We know the per­son who opened the Cham­ber last time was ex­pelled fifty years ago. We know T. M. Rid­dle got an award for spe­cial ser­vices to the school fifty years ago. Well, what if Rid­dle got his
spe­cial award for catch­ing the Heir of Slytherin? His di­ary would prob­ably tell us ev­ery­thing — where the Cham­ber is, and how to open it, and what sort of crea­ture lives in it — the per­son who's be­hind the at­tacks this time wouldn't want that ly­ing around, would they?"

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