Chapter Fifty two

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Prefect bathroom

[It's late at night. The camera drifts from the dormitory's walls to a sleeping Primrose. The camera zooms in on her
twitching eyelid and pulls back from the eye of a Raven, soaring through the snowy night sky]

In the distance, a hill appears. Weeds tossing in a gentle breeze. There is a gardener's Cottage and, further up, a derelict manor. The raven soars toward the manor, gliding through a dark window on the second story, down a gloomy passageway, into a room of shadows towards the back of a chair
circling slowly.

VOLDEMORT (V.O.): "You must begin to make preparations, Wormtail. Nagini will need milking. The journey will not be easy..."

Peter looks away, chin wobbling.

A filthy cloth bundle comes into view.
Something twitches within. The camera glides closer and closer. An eye that is not quite human, blinks...

Regulus shivers, "Something bad is coming, I can feel it."

Primrose wakes up with a gasp and rushes to the bathroom and throws up in the bathroom sink.

Wiping her mouth she looks up at her reflection and gasped again.

Her neck was covered in hickeys, and other shaped bruises. She brings a shaky hand to her neck and winces, tears fall from her eyes.

Marlene frowns, something just isn't right.

Lily looks like she's gonna be sick

[Harry and Hermione are walking along on a wooden bridge]

"Harry! You told me you'd riddled that egg out weeks ago! The task
is two days from now!" said Hermione indignantly.

"Really! I had no idea!" Harry says sarcastically.

People are looking their way. Harry lowers his voice,

"I suppose Viktor's figured it out."

"I wouldn't know. We don't talk about the Tournament. Actually, we don't really talk at all Viktor's more of a physical being. I mean, he's not particularly loquacious. Mostly he watches me study. Bit annoying actually."

"Merlin I have such a dirty mind." Sirius mutters.

"We know!"

Hermione glances at Harry, studying him, as if debating some troubling notion.

"Harry. You are trying to riddle out the egg, aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just mean, these tasks—they're designed to test you, Harry, in the most brutal way. they're almost cruel and, well, you I'm... scared for you, Harry. You got by the dragons mostly On
nerve. I'm not sure that's going
to be enough this time."

There is an awkward silence. Then...

"Hey, Potter!"

Harry turns, sees Cedric separate from Cho, and begins to trot over. Hermione gives Harry one last look, and leaves.

"Ohhh it's pretty boy."

"How are you?" Cedric asks

"Spectacular," Harry says with a straight face.

"Look, Potter... I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons"

Harry waves him off, "Forget it. I'm sure you'd have done the same"

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