Chapter Forty-One

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Witnesses To An Execution

(Not edited)

Snape grabs the back of The twin's pajamas and pulls them into Professor Lupins' office, who was sitting at his desk, grading papers while eating a bar of chocolate.

"Let go you slime bag!" James grows.

Fleamont gives his wife a pointed look,

"Say a word and you're on the couch when we get home mounty."

"Lupin! I want a word!"

Professor Lupin looks up, "Yes Severus?"

Snape slams the map onto his desk. An odd, closed expression appeared on Lupin's face as he looks at the map.

"Oh, the memories." Evan starts to sing but is pushed to the ground by his friends.

"Please never do that again."

"My poor ears."

"Oh please, I've heard it all. You know a Silencing spell exists right."

Regulus cheeks heat up.

"I asked potter to empty his pockets and he pulled that out."

Lupin didn't respond he just continued to stare at the map.

"Well?" said Snape again. "This parchment is full of Dark Magic. This is supposed to be your area of expertise, Lupin. Where do you imagine Potter got such a thing?"

Mary rolls her eyes, "Why are so so obsessed with children Snape."

"I am not!" Snape snarls

The people around him stared at him pointedly.

Lupin looked up and, by the merest half-glance in Harry's and Primrose's direction, warned them not to interrupt.

"Full of Dark Magic?" he repeated mildly. "Do you really think so, Severus? It looks to me as though it is merely a piece of parchment that insults anybody who reads it. Childish, but surely not dangerous? I imagine one of the twins got it from a joke shop—"

"Indeed?" said Snape. His jaw had gone rigid with anger. "You think a joke shop could supply them with such a thing? You don't think it more likely that they got it directly from the manufacturers?"

"How could they, everyone's either dead or MIA."

Harry didn't understand what Snape was talking about. Nor did Lupin.

Primrose on the other hand had a slight clue but surely she was wrong.

"You mean, by Mr. Wormtail or one of these people?" he said. "Harry, Primrose, do you know any of these men?"

"Your one of those people moony," Peter whispers.

"No," said the twins quickly.

"You see, Severus?" said Lupin, turning back to Snape. "It looks like a Zonko product to me, now if that's all I have papers to grade."

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