Chapter 18

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Lady Delia ~

I rushed to the room that was assigned to me and three other girls that were promised to Sebastian. They were laughing when I slammed open the wooden door.

"Get out!" I yelled watching them flinch

They hesitated and I knew they were going to try and comfort me. I shot a glare towards them and they quickly picked up the skirts of their dresses and went out.

I locked the door and walked to the center of the room.

"Agh!" I pushed the platter of food and wine. I made a loud noise as it hit the ground.

I fell to my knees and covered my ears. I was losing control and I never lose control. Sebastian is mine. I promised my mother that I would secure a prince in order to keep us from debt.

My head was pounding and my body shook with anger. I couldn't control it anymore and I knew I was going to let go of the beast within.

My fingernails bled as claws pushed out. A low growl escaped my mouth and I felt my canines grow pressing into my lip. I grabbed my arms hoping I could hold my beast in. I only succeeded in tearing my dress apart leaving scratches on my arms that immediately healed.

I struggled getting up, grabbing onto the vanity near me. I caught my reflection in the mirror that was attached. My red, usually kept hair was wild and no longer looked neat. My face was elongated, adjusting to the fact I was half-way shifted. My mouth held multiple teeth that were long and short. My dress was ripped, the fabric falling off my shoulders.

I growled again and scratched my neck down to my stomach causing the corset to fall apart.

I stood there naked and shaking In front of the mirror.

This is your fault.

"No it isn't." I growled

My beast growled at me and I yelled as my back contorted and my ribs broke.

"I will not shift!" My eyes began to glow a yellow gold and my ears grew poking out from under my hair.

My beast circled around, taunting me, knowing I could do nothing to stop her until she got what she wanted.

Do you know why I am woken?

"There was a..a change of plans." I gasped struggling to breathe. I wouldn't last much longer in this form. I had to choose one and I knew I couldn't change back into a human.

And who caused that?

The reflection held my face, masked by pain suddenly grow with anger and I allowed myself to shift further.

I didn't scream when my legs were broken and my shoulders turned at an odd angle.

The girl in the mirror was no longer there. Instead a dark red wolf stood in place.



Serenity ~~~

"I have to go home," I said

I couldn't let my mother come here. I made A life here and I wasn't about to let them all die because I worried my mother.

I rubbed my forehead. I had to think of a way to get home. I still can't transform back into my original state. I am completely healed besides a lengthy scar left behind to remind me.

I could go home and use this scar to remind me of all the people I had met here. Maybe I would be content with that. Knowing nobody died yet that I still haven't had a chance to express my feelings. Maybe Aidan will choose Abigail and Patrick will pick Odette who I've gotten to know very well. Then Sebastian..Sebastian can be with Lady Delia. I know she isn't the best but if he's happy. If they're all happy. That's what truly counts.

"I'm sorry but I cannot stay here for another year. Not like this. My mother won't allow it."

"What are we going to do then, Serenity? Sit here and wait? I know you can't change, don't even try to deny it. What were you going to do? Get on a boat? Maybe just float on your back and hope you'll be above your kingdom on the surface? You can't even breathe underwater. You're more human than ever and staying here hasn't helped with that. You've practically changed."

I opened my mouth to say something but he covered it with his hand.

"Hear me out?" He asked

I nodded and he let go

"Being here isn't as beneficial as it seems. You're becoming human. You don't wear braids or sing anymore. Your hair is in a tight bun and you paint flowers that you'll never see again. You understand this language and all that comes with it. You eat fish and you bathe with bath salts. Bath salts, Serenity! You act like you're too good to go down to the shore and get some authentic salt water. You rather smell of lavender and vanilla than something as relaxing as lemon or cucumber." He took a breath and I kept my mouth shut in fear he would start yelling.

"Honestly, Serenity, I fear that if you do go back you'll be shunned. No matter how much the Royal family wants you, the people won't. You're the next in line for the throne and you stayed here."

He took ahold of my hands "Take it from me, it's better down where it's wetter."

"Sebastian, they'll take me back. I'm the future Mermaid Queen of the Atlantic Ocean. They need me. Despite my disappearance and the occasional lack of maturity in that area, they need a Queen and I'm that Queen." I explained

"I would do anything. Anything, to have my mother back. You would want to stay in this kingdom, a kingdom ruled by a man you captured and executed our kind. You'd want to be here with nothing when your family and people you love want to see you safe and with them." he shook his head "I can't allow it. I'm taking you back myself."


"Hold it right there! By the order of the King, you are hereby, arrested."

A soldier stood behind us, his hand on his sword.

"On what grounds?" Sebastian asked

There was a shuffling of leaves as the King stepped out from behind a tree.

"Mermaid, you say? It's been so long since I've had a mermaid. Arrest her."

The soldier stepped forward but before he could reach us a flash of red went by and he fell to the ground. A large red animal was atop him. He screamed and reached for his sword but the wolf growled and ripped his head off.

Sebastian stepped in front of me, but he had no sword. No form of weapon to protect me with. The King had frozen in his spot and watched as the animal spit the head of the soldier out of it's mouth before turning it's attention on us.


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