Chapter 7

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Prince Patrick~~~

It's been two months since she had announced that there would be a ball. Today was my mothers birthday which marked the countdown to 10 days until the ball for me to find a bride was to occur. Mother told me I would pick 4 girls from the ball and they would stay with us. I had one year to find my bride. I was to get to know each girl and if I felt like a girl wasn't the right one I was to let her go home ultimately leaving me with the one girl I was to marry when the year was up.

I wasn't sure how this would work considering she implied Serenity was staying with us along with Lady Delia.

"Can I choose them along with the 4 girls or will they have to be part of the 4?" I asked

"I didn't know you had an interest in Serenity," she quirked an eyebrow "Or Lady Delia for that matter."

"I find Serenity refreshing."

"Why because she wont lift her skirt for you when you glance in her direction?" she laughed

"No," I scowled although that was slightly one of the reasons "I enjoy her company."

"What about Lady Delia?" she asked

"I don't particularly have in interest in her. She's just a pretty face." I shrugged

"Just a pretty face!" she gasped "My dear, is it possible you've matured in the past month? Is a pretty face not enough for you anymore?

"No I suppose not. I guess you're gonna have to find girls with character for me." I leaned over and kissed her cheek before heading to find Serenity

As I neared the art room where Serenity mostly spent her days.

The door was cracked only inch open and I saw Serenity sitting on a stool in front of a canvas painting something. She was wearing a lavender colored dress today, it fell on the side of her shoulders and touched the floor gently. Her hair was down and it fell to the middle of her back in soft waves.

I pressed my palm on the door and softly pushed it open quietly. I was about to step into the room when someone walked next to Serenity and examined her painting.

It was a man. He looked to be my age. He was tall and had blonde hair.

He looked familiar but I couldn't quite place it

"That's a nice flower," he said with a thick Irish accent "What kind is it?"

Serenity turned towards him smiling, her green eyes shining "Lily of the Valley," she said "Aren't they beautiful?"

"Yes indeed." he said

I knew he wasn't talking about the lilies. It was obvious to me he was talking about her. A wave of anger rose up in me as I banged the door against the wall causing Serenity and the man to turn and stare at me.

Seeing the mans face fully I knew why he looked familiar

"Patrick old friend, I've missed you!"

"Aiden?" I whispered my throat suddenly dry


Serenity ~~~

"You shoulda seen him when we were young lads," Aiden laughed "He was so scrawny and tall he looked like a sliced carrot, especially during the summer when he'd get all burnt up!"

I giggled imagining a preteen Patrick

"Yes, yes, whatever it isn't that funny." Patrick rolled his eyes

"Aw Patrick don't get all sour," Aiden lightly patted Patricks head causing Patrick to turn and glare at Aiden "Serenity, tell me something about yourself."

My laughter died down and my smile dropped

Tell him about myself?? What do I say?

"What do you want to know?"

"Are you being courted at this moment?" Aiden blurted

Patrick sat up straight in his chair and turned to Aiden "I don't think-" he began

"Yes you're right Patrick, I don't think I'm being courted either." I lifted my chin

Patrick turned and glared at me

Serves him right. It's been 3 days since I asked him if he would and he never said anything and there have been rumors floating around that he's moved on.

"Well this is good news! Good news indeed!" Aiden clapped

I had to admit Aiden was very handsome. With his bright blue eyes and tousled dirty blonde hair. Compared to seeing Patrick's scowl everyday his enthusiasm and smile was refreshing and a nice change of scenery.

"How long will you be here Aiden?" Patrick asked

"For about a year I think. Didn't your mother tell you? There will be three princes to find a bride along with you."

"Three princes all on one quest to find four women to possibly marry?" I asked "That sounds like alot of women will be here for the ball."

"Only if the third prince arrives." Aiden said

"You don't know who he is?" Patrick asked

"Nope. Just heard it was some lad from Alyreia."

"An Alyreian prince?" Patrick sucked in his breath

I was looking back and forth between the two of them trying to keep up with what was happening

"Wheres Alyreia?" I asked

"Its not far from my kingdom," Aiden said

"Whats your kingdom called?"

"Eire." he said proudly

"I apologize I've never heard of it. I'm not exactly from here." I blushed

"It's fine my dear." Aiden smiled "Would you mind giving me a tour of the castle?"

"I'd love to," I smiled hooking my arm with his and walking out of the art room with Patrick walking behind us

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