Chapter 10

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Prince Sebastian ~~~

Queen Cassandra smiled widely and rushed over to hug me. It'd been a long time since I was hugged with a motherly affection. Sadness began to creep up on me but I quickly cast away.

"How are you dear?" she asked

It seemed so genuine, the question. I wondered how she could ask that when her husband was the reason of my misery. 'Im fine' was an answer I was tired of saying. I only hoped one day I could be truly fine and not repeating the same word as an answer for anything that question my sanity.

"I'm fine," I said giving a small smile

I wondered if she could see through the façade, the lie I tell myself everyday. I hold myself up well so no one hardly notices..But mothers always know.

"The ball is going to begin shortly if you would like a few minutes alone to get everything together the guards will show you your room." she pointed to the guards standing on either side of the door

"Now if you'll excuse me," she curtsied, I bowed in return "I have to check on 100 women and hope they haven't murdered each other." She gave an exasperated sigh as she left the parlor

2 servants began to pick up my luggage

"Leave that bag would you, I'll take it up myself eventually." they nodded and went to the room assigned to me.

I picked up the bag and followed behind not really" in a rush to find where I'll be staying for a year. I passed the ballroom hearing chatter.

They really should close those doors.

As I passed the wide doorway not even glancing in the room the girls began to chatter even louder

"Is that one of the princes? My he's gorgeous."

"I wonder what his name is,"

"Do you think he'd mind a girl taller than him?"

No I wouldn't. In all honesty my mother always told me it really doesn't matter what you look like, what matters is what's inside. You may be beautiful to the world but hideous inside.

Sure I may feel a little emasculated but if I love someone or come to love someone it doesn't matter.

I suppose I should've been hardened but my mother would always say "No matter how cruel and cold hearted you can be, a woman will always change you."

When we arrived to my room the servants bowed and immediately exited.

I walked towards the window, my boots clicking against the wood floor. Verona had a beautiful landscape, many forests and lakes. As many beautiful things come with a catch, Verona was rumored to have a dark forest. One that's been there since before the castle was built. It is said to be the home of black magic witches. I'm not so sure anyone was ever able to go in it much less find it.

I stepped away from the window and walked toward the door and opened it causing someone to fall into me.

"Oh I'm so sorry." the person said "The Queen told me to come get you."

It was a girl barely 18. With delicate features. She had long black hair and piercing green eyes.


She looked up, shock masking her face.



Serenity ~~~

I quickly stood up watching as Sebastian did the same, his height towering over me.

"You're the third prince?" I said in disbelief

"Well yes," he said clearing his throat "What are you doing here? With legs?! On land!" he whisper yelled

"It's not my fault!" I whisper yelled back

"Then what happened?" he questioned

I sighed and limped toward his bed and sat, patting the space next to me so he could sit.

I preceded to tell the story of the storm and how Queen Cassandra took care of me, how I'm waiting for my leg to heal so I can go back home.

"You really are clumsy," he laughed

"You're a pompous ass." I glared

"Oooh human word," he clutched his heart

I punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Can I see your leg?" he asked warily

I lifted my skirt up to my thighs so he could see.

"My gods," he whispered as he knelt down in front of my leg.

The gash wasn't as bad as before granted it's all purple and yellow and filled with pus, it's slowly healing.

"I was told I'll have to wait for a month for it to heal then another to get some sort of cast that will help with my ankle." I fell backward unto his bed "Human healing is so slow."

"I can help take away the bruising," he suggested

I shot up "Would you?" I smiled gratefully

"What's the magic word?" He asked

I frowned trying to think of the time when I studied magic "You're going to have to specify which magic word you're speaking of, there are thousands."

"You haven't been human for very long, never mind." he rolled his eyes "It's please by the way."


I lifted an eyebrow as I watched him stand up "Did you take the bruising away?"

"Doesn't work like that, come," he said taking my hands and pulling me up

"Well how's it work?"

"We have to kiss." he said

I pulled away and looked at the ground "I don't know Sebastian."

"We've kissed before Serenity," he said "We may not be together anymore but you need to get better. I'm not making this up, you know we can transfer magic through kissing."

I took a deep breath. He was right.

"Okay," I said hesitantly

Sebastian leaned towards me, his hands at my waist and my hands placed on his chest. We fit perfectly he and I.

As our lips touched my skin began to tingle and my body felt warmer. The heat spread through my body until it rested on my leg. It wasn't a painful process, the warmth was nice, but it was over too quickly.

Sebastian pulled away and I looked down and noticed the bruising had indeed gone away. Not completely but it was less noticeable.

"Thank you," I said walking, a lot better I might add, towards the door

"Serenity, I am sorry for how things turned out with us back home."

"Why are you here?" I turned to look at him

"My father is dying.

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