Chapter 15

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Serenity ~~~

"Arayuh," I wiped my face "What are you doing here? Where did Patrick go?"

"I made Patrick go through the maze with me even though he wasn't very much fun. He didn't even talk to me," she whined

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the ball? Or are you not allowed to go?" I asked her noticing she looked slightly messy

"Patrick was supposed to take me back so a servant could help me get ready but I don't know where he went." she suddenly frowned "Do you think he's mad at me?"

"Now why would he be mad at you?"

"Well.." She hesitated and looked down at the ground "I called him an ass."

"Oh." I had absolutely no idea what an ass was but I assumed it was something bad considering the reaction it triggered in Arayuh "Well I can take you to get ready if you'd like,"

She smiled then and reached for my hand.

On the way back inside she told me all about what she wanted to wear and how she wanted her hair to look and this and that



"Do you think I talk a lot?"

"Now why would you ask that?"

"My fathers friends son says all the time that I talk a lot for a girl and that girls shouldn't talk so much."

"How old is he?" I ask

"Seven and he's bigger than me so I can't punch him. Plus mummy says to always hurt someone with kindness so they're forced to like you,"

"Ah, my mother used to say that." I kneeled down and held her hands "If he's ever rude or pulls your hair or hurts you in any way just bite him."

"What if he tastes like spinach?" She wrinkled her nose

"Uhm well hopefully he doesn't," I laughed and tickled her stomach causing her to giggle

"Arayuh, there you are!"

Queen Cassandra came running down the corridor that we were in with her hair rolled up in metal cylinders

"Mummy! Serenity helped me out of the maze since Patrick left me there," she pouted

"He did?!" She narrowed her eyes "They're already in the ballroom so let's get you changed," she took Arayuh's hand and nodded towards me "There are an assortment of dresses in your room for you,"

"Thank you," I genuinely meant it. I had so much to thank her for. For not asking or prying too much on my life and helping me with my leg. Despite a surprise appearance from Sebastian and being kissed by two completely different men in the past 3 months I felt a little at peace being here in Verona, a kingdom that was once known for hunting mermaids.

I made my way up to my room as quickly as I could go with my halfway healed leg and opened my door.

"What are you doing?" I yelled as Lady Delia quickly dropped one of the dresses she was holding on the floor.

She looked shocked for amount before that quickly passed and her demeanor changed. "Why are there dresses for you? Why are you in one of the elite rooms? You're nothing but a washed up harlot!"

My eyes widened at her remark "Excu-"

"Oh I know all about your little moment with Prince Patrick in here with the door closed might I add. Along with the moment you had with Prince Aiden in the gardens." She sneered walking closer

"Are you going to tell anyone or are you just reminding me of something that I was present for might I add, for no reason?"

She glared before walking directly in front of me. She was taller only by an inch at the most but I wouldn't let myself be intimidated by her jealous rage. "Stay away from those princes, they are mine. If I find out you did anything with them I will destroy you and have you sent back to where ever you came from. Don't think I see you as competition. Because I don't. You're nothing but a new flavor of meat the dogs have never had before. But as new as you are, you are nothing. I am of refined lineage and I will get a crown no matter the costs and you will not stand in my way Serenity."

She brushed past me and left my room.

I let out a breath that I hadn't known I'd been holding in and walked towards the bed and laid on it staring at the ceiling.

"I need to go home." I sighed and closed my eyes and opened them slowly

There was a knock at the door and I inhaled sharply hoping it wasn't Lady Delia.

"Miss Serenity, it's me Abigail, I'm here to help you get ready for the ball."

"Come in," I called

Abigail walked in wearing a dress different than her usual servant attire. She looked beautiful, her hair was down and her dress was orange with tiny yellow flowers embroidered on it.

"You're going to the ball too?" I asked

"Yes miss, all servants are invited to the ball if they care to be future queens."

"I see." I looked over the dresses left for me

"I know what you're thinking," she said


"You think I'm the kind of girl who jumps at any chance to be Queen. Im not though I just want to have a chance to matter like all of the other ladies that will be there. They'll see me as competition yes, but I'll be equal. They'll have to accept that I'm worthy enough to be competition and not someone as lowly as a servant. I'll be treated with respect." she wiped her face "For the first time, i will be treated with respect. Even if I'm not chosen I will remember the feeling of being equal among all of these women."

"You look very pretty, Abigail." I said smiling

"You're the first person to tell me that who wasn't my mother." she laughed

"Would you help me with a dress?" I asked

"Yes, of course." she picked up the skirts of her dress and walked over to me


Prince Sebastian~~~

"Thank you," I said to the male servant as I picked up a glass of wine and took a huge gulp. Honestly I'm going to need more of this too get through the shallow women and that is going to take all night.

"Prince Sebastian?"

I turned and saw a cluster of women to my right. I took another swig of the wine. "Ladies," I smiled

Many of them blushed and giggled

"What are your names?"




After talking to that group of annoying women I followed the servant with wine. There was one glass left and as I reached for it another hand got it before me. I turned to glare at whoever it was but it was a very beautiful woman.

"Sorry, I really needed this." she said as she sipped it in the most ladylike way possible. I looked her up and down.

She was tall but not enough to disinterest me. She had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. Her dress was black and simple unlike the rest of the women who wore frilly pinks that didn't fit their age. Her dress accentuated her curves but not enough to where it was too much. It was enough to appreciate and enough to let me imagine.

"What is your name?" I asked immediately captivated

"Delia," she smiled

"Delia." I whispered "I'm Sebastian," I reached and kissed her hand

"Hello, Prince."

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