Chapter 20

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Serenity ~~~

My head pounded and my throat hurt. Wincing I raised a hand to my throat only to hiss at the pain the raw, bruised flesh.

I was in my room and I was alone. I looked around and noticed I was still in the same dress.

Confused and in pain, I pulled back the thick covers and slid off of the bed.

There was a loud commotion of muffled yelling coming from the hallway outside my room.

"Let me in, you useless human!"

"Ma'am, I'm afraid I cannot."

"Don't you ma'am me, you half-wit. I am a Queen. And if you don't let me in to see my daughter I will slice you like your disgusting cakes."

The guard made a sound of protest before a loud thump sounded. I leaned against the front post of the bed.

The doors opened and my mother walked in holding a spear.

"Serenity!" She slowly came over to me and looked me up and down.

She raised a hand and I shut my eyes preparing for the slap I expected to come.

Instead she softly caressed my cheek.

Opening my eyes I saw that she was crying. Crying for me or for her I didn't know. Crying for the time we had lost together or that she had finally found me.

"Mom," my voice cracked as I tried to speak

She nodded and leaned in, giving me a hug.

At that moment I felt such peace and happiness at seeing her again. Seeing her in person and smelling her perfume. Knowing that she was with me now was all I needed and that I could go home. I could see my sisters who no doubt I had missed deeply.

But I knew I couldn't go home yet. I knew I would have to explain everything to my mother and hope she didn't want to start a war with the Stormholds. I hoped that I could at least express my feelings for the prince I was meant to love and the prince I had come to love. In return have them love me.


"Please don't start a war with them." I pleaded

I had explained to her everything that had happened. From washing up to shore, to seeing Sebastian and then having the King almost feed me to a wolf.

"I cannot agree to that. Serenity you may think these....people are good, but they are not and they never will be. Our kind can only be rid of them if we destroy their bloodline." she said firmly

"But they are not the only ones! There are countless others that have harmed our kind. We cannot become them."

"I know there are more. But we will start with this kingdom first. I will not rest until they suffer for what they've done. I will destroy Ajax and his family as he's destroyed mine."

"Please don't kill them," I pleaded tears running down my face


"I think I love their son."

"You love the son of a mermaid killer? You love a man who shares the same blood of someone who has killed members of your family, of Sebastian's family?! How dare you speak of love! You know nothing of love. You've never sacrificed ANYTHING for love!" She slapped me

The harsh sting on my cheek barely masked the pain I felt inside.

I did in fact love someone who's father had killed my own. Who killed my former betrothed's mother. Who's killed countless Merfolk and hasn't paid any price for it.

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