Chapter 19

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Prince Patrick ~~~

I walked into the parlor room, adjusting my suit jacket. Girls were everywhere. Dressed in their designated color schemed dresses, they chatted and ate cucumber sandwiches. I was surprised they were so courteous to each other considering the stakes this held. You could become friends with a girl and then find out they were chosen to be Queen and you weren't. It was a battle for love and a battle for power..and women were hard to sway when they had their minds set on something whether it be a personal goal or revenge.

I made my way around the room and silently watched them. My mother had mentioned to Aiden, Sebastian and I that we needed to begin our first test. We were given the option to be given a test by our parents or come up with one ourselves. I hadn't an idea on what to do for a test as i didn't know much about women except how to seduce.

I pondered that thought for a moment.

Seduction could be a very good test for me. I could see which girls were serious about this whole love thing or if they would try and have sex with me in hopes of getting pregnant so they'd have a better chance of becoming Queen.

Creating a scandal would indeed be a factor in this test but in order to find out who would be a most acceptable Queen, i need to find out who would give themselves up on the first day.

I approached a lovely brunette in a pale green dress that brought out the green in her eyes. "Excuse me Miss..."

"Sterling, Anna Sterling," she smiled

I took her hand and kissed the top of it "Would you mind joining me for a walk in the garden, Miss Sterling?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

I took her by the hand and led he down the corridor that led to the garden. "Tell me Miss Sterling, where do you come from?"

"I'm from here, Your Grace, I grew up in Verona as did my mother and her mother and so on. My father's family have been here for a much longer time. We've been in business with almost every country including China." she explained "We sell goods and do manufacturing. Along with an assortment of other things. Our family is the largest in importation and exportation."

"You seem interested in the business. Is it something you would like to pursue?"

Anna stopped in her tracks "You know, no one has ever asked me that and honestly i would love to be in charge of things like that. I apologize prince if this sounds rather absurd and you wish not to choose me after this..but i would like to run things like that and do things normal women don't. I am not one for staying in the castle chambers waiting for you so we can get the process of an heir out of the way. I'd like to be meaningful and not just someone at your side for show but not really be needed in this kingdom."

"I'd very much like that Anna, despite the rumors I am looking for a bride with substance and a brain. I hope to see you stay for another month." I bowed

"Wait, that was the test all of the girls were worried about? A question about where we're from?"

"No, the test was to see if you passed the hopes and dreams. Honesty, substance and dignity. I know your dreams, Anna and they're wonderful, achievable dreams. You have substance because you do in fact want to be apart of this kingdom. Many girls prefer not to get their hands dirty and stay the clueless Queen who knows practically nothing about the affairs of her kingdom. Being Queen is a much harder things to do than most people think and I think you're up for the challenge." I stretched out my arm for she could hold on to it. "Would you like to go back or continue n the way to the garden?"

"Garden please, I'd love to see the flowers. A friend I made told me the lilies are absolutely beautiful,"

"They are indeed." i said as we got closer to the garden

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