Chapter 3

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Patrick Stormhold ~~~~

I walked out of my chambers passing by the kitchen to grab an apple and flirt with the kitchen maids. I enjoyed watching them blush. It made me feel powerful and I knew I could have them. I was the Prince and I couldn't be refused . Though I don't think they would even refuse me if they had the option.

When I got to the training area, my father was already suited up and doing a few tricks with his favorite sword that was named after my mother. My sword was unnamed and would remain unnamed until I could actually fall in love. I don't think I'll ever fall in love with someone the way my father fell in love with my mother. I find love unrealistic and a waste of time seeing as it isn't always reciprocated.

"Father," I said walking towards him as I threw the remainder of my apple to the horses near by.

"Patrick. I was wondering when you'd show up. You really need to learn to be punctual." My father swung his sword and tapped it against his boot "Are you ready for training?"

I swung my sword around and flipped it in my hand "As ready as I'll ever be."

We practiced for the better part of the day. It was past lunchtime and I was starving, hoping father would stop early today so I could eat something.

Before I could mention how tired I was a raindrop landed on my forehead, dripping down to my nose. I wiped my face and looked towards the sky.

"Looks like a storm is about to come," I said

"Well I suppose we're done for today. Before you go and bother more women I need you to clean my armor along with yours." My father handed me his sword

"Why do I have to do it? There are servants you know."

"Shut it. Be glad I'm not giving the stable men a day off or I'd have you clean the stables and bathe and brush the horses." my father smirked as he walked off

The rain started to sprinkle as I walked back towards the castle and into the armor room. I dismissed the servant that was already there with cleaning supplies.

After about 2 hours of cleaning I was almost done with my chest plate. Rubbing up and down repeatedly to get a blood stain out.

"Fuck this," I growled as I threw the cleaning rag onto the floor next to my boot.

I shoved the armor away from me and stood turning my head so the muscles could stretch from being in their tense state.

It was pouring now and the sky was slowly beginning to darken.

I left the cleaning area and made my way towards my chambers to bathe and dress for dinner. I was starving and the sweet smell of roast beef coming from kitchen made my mouth fill with saliva.

I debated whether going to the kitchen to grab a maid and see if that'd satisfy my hunger. But I knew mother would disapprove and I can't have her so mad at me when her birthday comes in three days. I'd need her kindness.

I walked past the kitchen ignoring my growling stomach and passed the dining area where more servants were setting the table adding extra plates for our guests that would be staying with us for 3 weeks.

I wasn't particularly overjoyed to be having guests. Not that I even really liked people. The guests in general were very rich and annoying like any other rich family who wanted to set their daughter up for marriage with a Prince.

I opened the door to my chambers and closed it behind me as I untied the top of my shirt and slipped it off. there was a servant in my room standing with her head bowed next to the tub with steaming water.

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