Chapter 1

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Patrick Stormhold ~~~

The bed creaked and the girls moans filled the room. I thrusted against her hard as I came, filling her with my seed.

I pulled away from her and threw a blanket in her direction

"Get out,"

"My Prince, I-" she began

"I don't give a fuck get out."

I didn't care if she didn't finish, I wanted her out. Now. I reached in the pocket of my pants and handed her three gold coins

I sat down in a chair and watched her leave the room clutching her ripped dress against her body. I don't know why she bothered. Everyone knows a whore when you see one. They have the same personalities. Flirty, submissive and loud. A whore is always loud in bed because they know men like it, makes them feel like they're good at fucking.

There was a commotion outside, people shouting and yelling for others to get out of each others ways. I got up from the chair and looked out of my window. Servants were bustling around, some carrying linen and others fruit and bread. They were preparing for the ball we were hosting in three days. Every lord and lady would be there, along with their desperate daughters looking to be wed off to the prince.

I snorted as two servants ran into each other dropping the contents that were in the baskets

There was a knock at my door

"Patrick darling," my mothers voice called "Please get ready for breakfast."

"Yes mother," I called "Can you send a servant please?"

"Yes dear,"

I heard her heels click as she walked away. I loved my mother deeply, she was gentle and kind but she could put me in my place if needed. She did the same to my father though he was madly in love with my mother he would do anything for her.

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts, assuming it was my most trusted male servant I walked towards my door without covering my member.

A girl, barely 17 was at the door. She blushed bright red as she took notice of my lack of clothing

"Do you like what you see?" I asked. It was my favorite line to use on women, they always gave the same reaction. Blush, smile, but never say anything

The girl did exactly that. Her face matched the color of her hair a brilliant red. "I'm here to give you your bath my prince."

I grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me "What's your name love?"

"Rose," she said

"Come, bathe me." I led her to the bathroom and watched her as she put hot water into the tub. As she leaned over her shapely bottom was pointed in my direction, I walked over and gave her a slap on her left cheek

She yelped and turned quickly to face me "Uhm my prince?" she stuttered


"Excuse me?" she said

"Strip." I repeated

She slowly unbuttoned the top of her dress and shrugged the sleeves off her shoulders. I watched the fabric gently fall down her body. I felt myself get hard as I looked her up and down.

I walked past her and stepped into the tub gesturing to her to come and join me.

She stepped in facing me. I pulled her against my body my lower region brushing hers

"Uhm I-I," she stammered

"Bathe me." I demanded

She reached up and took the soap and sponge and rubbed my skin up and down my chest setting up a steady rhythm as she washed me. I lay my head back and closed my eyes.

"Turn please," she said quietly

"Sorry love you'll just have to reach behind me," I smirked as her eyes widened

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the feel of her breasts pressed against my chest and she scrubbed my back. I reached my arms around her and cupped her lower cheeks relishing in the squeal she released.

"I'm done your grace," she pulled away "May I leave?"

"Yes," I got out of the tub and wiped myself off with a towel

She quickly dressed and walked out sniffling

God why is she crying? I didn't even do anything bad. I didn't even fuck her.

I got dressed and walked down to the kitchen

I took an apple and kissed my mother on the cheek "Mother,"

"Patrick why was there a girl crying as she left your chambers earlier?" she said eating a strawberry

"Mother why do you think I had anything to do with it?"

"You're my son and I love you but darling you're an ass," she took a sip from her glass

"Mummy what's an ass?" Arayuh asked

I snickered as my mother tried to explain to Arayuh that it was nothing but of course Arayah didn't believe her and asked my father as he walked into the dining area

"It's an animal love," he said

"But Patrick's human,"

Father choked on the wine he gulped and he started laughing as he tried to clear his throat "What gave you that idea?"

"I take offense to that father." I said throwing the apple core at him

"You better hurry up and eat son we have training today," he grunted

"Yes, I know." I got up from the table and went to put my armor on. I preferred to do that task on my own so I know that everything is secure. Alot of people didn't like my family because of my father. When he was younger he would go on journeys taking five ships and only a handful of men with him to hunt down Mermaids near a land that was surrounded by the Blue Lagoon. Mermaids were rare to find and if you found one you could sell it off to anyone or you could kill it and eat it. It is said that the meat of a Mermaid would give you the power of Immortality, but there was a catch, you could never be certain your body would accept the magic of the Mermaids essence to become immortal. If your body rejected it, you would die.

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