Chapter 6

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"Izuku! What happened to you?!"  Asked Inko as she noticed bandages and a cast on his arm.

"Bakugou decided it was a good idea to make a big explosion," Said Izuku

"Ugh. It's always that Bakugou kid. Why are you still friends with this boy?" Asked Inko

Don't worry mom, it's just a friendly competition. Besides, I'll be fine." Izuku said while smiling.


It's now the next day and we see Izuku and Bakugou walking to school.

"So, what did your mom say about the bandages?" Asked Bakugou

"She asked me why I'm still friends with you." Said Izuku

"Understandable." Replied Bakugou

"But I just told her that it's just a friendly competition. Right now, I'm on a two-game winning streak." Said Izuku

"Fuck off." Bakugou growled as Izuku laughs

"Also, what's with round face? You like her or something?"

Izuku stops in his tracks and blush

"We're just friends."

"Yeah right, you think we're stupid? 'Oh Midoriya, your hero costume is amazing! 'Oh! You to Uraraka!' You think we don't hear your conversations?" asked Bakugou with an annoyed look on his face while mocking both Midoriya and Uraraka.

"Hey! Not funny!"


"Alright. For today, you guys will pick Class Representative and Class President. Now you all do that while I drink my boba." Aizawa said.

"Pick Me, everyone!" Ashido said.

"If you want a sparkling Class Rep, then you're looking at him." Said a sparkling boy.

"PICK ME!" Bakugou shouted.

"Everyone calm down!" Iida shouted.

"How about we vote for our Class Rep and Class President? Who everyone has the most votes is Class Rep. Second most votes is our Class President." Iida said.

Everyone agrees as they vote.


"WAIT WHAT?!" Izuku shouted as he looks at the board.

The votes are in and here is the result.

Midoriya: 5

Yaoyorozu: 3

"Welp that sums it up. Izuku Midoriya is our Class Rep and Yaoyorozu is our Class President." Iida said.

"Ummm... What do I say? Umm... Oh. I'll do my best to be an amazing and strong Class Rep to Represent Class A." Izuku said as he smiles.

"And I'll do my best as well," Yaoyorozu said smiling.

"You know, I like this duo," Kirishima said.

"Yeah, the Class President is really smart, and as for the Class Rep...."

"Midoriya is a pretty good leader and he brings energy and hype to the classroom," Kaminari mentioned.

"and smart." Added Sero.

"Yeah, I guess..." Said Jiro.

Later the bell rings as everyone walked out.


"Are you guys sure you guys want me to be the Class Rep?" Izuku asked.

"I think its a fair decision." said Iida

"It's not a bad idea to have you as our Class Rep." Yaoyorozu said.

"Yeah. You're a really good leader. You encourage others to be great! " Uraraka said with a smile.

"Yeah. I can agree." Todoroki said while eating his soba.

"Why are you eating your soba cold?" Kaminari asked.

"That's personal," Shoto said.

Later a loud alarm goes off as some people start to run out of the cafeteria.

"What's going on?" Kaminari asked.

"There's an intruder in the building! This hasn't happened in years so that's why everyone is panicking." Said the Third year.

"What?! An intruder?! We need to run!" Shouted Kaminari.

Later the whole group stands up and walks to the exit of the cafeteria. Only for them to be caught in the crowd.

"Damn it... I can't breathe." Izuku said.

"Whoa everyone calm down!!" Kirishima tried to say. Only to be knocked down to the ground.

"KIRISHIMA!" Izuku shouted.

Then sees Todoroki trying to move around, but he sadly gets knocked down.

"TODOROKI!" Izuku said. But then he gets slammed into the window of the school.

"Wait... Is that the media?! All these just because the media got in! I need to let everyone know!" Izuku said.

He then looks around and sees Momo not too far from him

"Yaoyorozu! Can you make a megaphone for me?!" Izuku asked.

Momo nodded as her arm begins to glow and a megaphone comes out. Momo then tosses it to Izuku as Izuku lucky catches the megaphone.

"Damn it! I need to get up there!" Izuku said as he looks at the exit sign.

Izuku then looks around and sees Uraraka.

"Uraraka! I need you to use your quirk to get me up there!" Izuku shouted.

Uraraka then nods her head and reaches her hand out for Izuku to touch.

Izuku then reaches his hand towards Uraraka he was lucky enough to touch her fingers.

Izuku later begins to float in the air as he clears his throat and shouts through the megaphone.


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