Chapter 11

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Class 1-A's vacation has finally ended and class is finally back in session. We now see Class A in their classroom. There were talking about how Izuku had saved them from danger. As Izuku and Shoto were walking in, a man with bandages wrapped around his face shows up.

"Aizawa?" Izuku asked.

"Are you sure it's okay to still teach with those injuries? "Asui asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright. The old lady was doing too much. Anyways, you guys have another challenge ahead." Said Aizawa.

Everyone then looks around in fear until Izuku shouted..

"SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Izuku shouted.

"Oh yeah. The Sports Festival is an annual sports event that is a nationally televised competition where first-year students can showcase their abilities to get scouted by Pro Heroes." Said Yaoyorozu.

"Like Yaoyorozu said. This event gives you a chance to prove yourself in front of pro heroes. Look at this as an opportunity to show Japan what you're made out of." Said Aizawa.

"Anyways. Class dismissed." Aizawa said as he walks out of the classroom.

"Man. I can't wait to kick some ass!" Shouted Kirishima.

"Me too!" Izuku shouted.

"I don't know about you. But hearing more about this is getting me excited."Ashido said to Uraraka

"Yeah me too!" Uraraka responded

"Tch. Nerds." Bakugou said as he walks towards the door.

Once he opens the door, a crowd of people was standing in front of the classroom.

"What the hell?" Izuku said.

"What are you extras doing here?" Said Bakugou.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING EXTRA?!" Shouted a silver-haired boy.

"Well, we're here to scout the classroom everyone is talking about. And from what we're seeing here, you guys don't look like much." Said Shinso.

"Who does he think he is?!" Mina shouted.

"Yeah! Get out our way!" Mineta shouted.

"Calm down guys." Izuku said.

"If you guys think this is going be a friendly match then you're wrong. We're here to declare war against you guys." Said Shinso.

"Okay.... Since you want war we'll give you war. But don't go crying to your fucking mommy when we hurt you or we send you to the hospital. And you seem very confident with yourself." Bakugou said as he stares into the purple-haired boy's eyes.

"Come on guys. Let's get ready for the Sports Festival." Said Izuku

Later Class 1-A walks out of the classroom


We now see Class 1-A inside a locker room getting ready for the sports festival.

"Man. I really wanted to wear our hero costumes. But there's nothing wrong with this one tho." Mina said.

"Agree." Tsu agreed

"Hey, Midoriya!" Shouted Bakugou.

"If you think that you can beat me, think again. During this festival, I'm going to be the one that's going to win it all. " Bakugou said.

"Bakugou? What the hell-"

"Kirishima. It's okay. At this event, we're here to win not to make friends. " Izuku said.

Later Present Mic comes on the intercom and begins to speak.


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