Chapter 10

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As the Nomu disintegrated, Izuku then towards the hand villain.

"You were saying?" Izuku asked.

The hand man started to scratch his neck aggressively.

"Damn, you..... YOU CHEATED! YOU'RE A CHEATER!" Shouted the villains as he ran towards Izuku.

The villain puts his hands out toward Izuku to kill.

Izuku then gets in stance as fire surrounds him.

But before Izuku could do anything about it, ice start to go toward the villain. The ice then starts to surround the villain's leg as he stays in his place

"What the hell?!" Shouted the villain

"Thanks, Todoroki" Izuku said as he was about to faint. But Shoto catches Izuku before he falls.

"No problem Midoriya" Shoto respond

Later the door gets kicked down to the ground as smoke starts to surround the person.

"DON'T WORRY! FOR I'M HERE, AND I CAME WITH BACKUP!" Shouted a booming voice.

"All Might....." Said the villain.

"Tomura. We must go..." Said the mist man.

"Alright let's go." Said Tomura.

"NOT SO FAST!" All Might shouted.

All Might then goes towards the villains to capture them. But sadly, it was too late for him to capture them.

"DAMN IT...ALMOST HAD THEM" All Might said.

All Might then looks towards Shoto and sees Izuku in Shoto's arms.


"Well, He used all his stamina to beat that monster thing. I heard they called the thing a Nomu. But Midoriya was able to beat him," Shoto said.

All Might then begin to smile at Izuku.

"AMAZING JOB YOUNG MIDORIYA! I'M PROUD OF YOU!" Said All Might as Izuku put up a weak thumbs up.

"BUT JUST IN CASE, I THINK ITS BEST IF YOU TAKE HIM TO THE PARAMEDICS JUST FOR SOME MEDICAL ATTENTION." All Might said as Shoto nods his head and carries Izuku to the ambulance.

Later all the heroes then go to the different training areas to check on the students. No one was injured badly. On the student side besides Izuku. The only people that were really injured were Aizawa, 13, and Izuku. They all were sent to the hospital for care.


We now see Izuku on his hospital bed while listening to what the doctor has to say.

"While after some examining your body and condition, you're okay. But not perfectly fine. You do have some burn makes here and there. Not to mention a broken arm on your right hand. That's why there are bandages on your arm." Said the doctor.

"But all that aside, you'll be fine. But what I do advise you to do is not overuse your quirk. Also, don't let emotions get in the way of your quirk.  From the damage, you cause to your body, I'm guessing that it was emotions taking over. I'm I right?" Asked the doc.

Izuku then nods his head.

"I figured. Anyways, take it easy and don't do anything stupid 'kay kid?" Asked the doc.

"Yes sir. I understand. Thank you." Izuku said as he bow his head.

"No problem kid. Now there are people out there itching to see you." Said the doc.

Izuku's eyes then widen as he sees green hair poking from the corner of the room.

"Oh no..."

"IZUKU!!!" Shouted Inko as she hugs Izuku tightly.

"H-Hi Mom. I can't breathe....." Izuku struggled to say.

"Hey, Izuku... How are you holding up there?" Asked Bakugou.

"I'm feeling good if I'm being honest. Some broken bones here and there but it's alright, thanks to Recover Girl. Plus I'm pretty sleepy." Anyways, how is Class A doing?" Izuku asked

"Well, everyone is doing fine. Mostly everyone went home and some well....planned to visit you." Said Bakugou

As soon as Bakugou said that, the door opens and shows Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Kaminari and Jiro.

"Well, here they come..." Bakugou said.

"Man, Midoriya. You were so manly out there!" Kirishima said to Izuku.

"Yeah, you looked pretty badass." Said Jiro with a smile

"How are you doing Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Well, I'm doing fine actually. How is Aizawa?" Asked Izuku.

"Well, I checked on him earlier. He just got through surgery and is getting his face wrapped up." Said Shoto

"At least he's okay." Said Izuku with a smile

"Awww! My Izuku is a hero!" Inko shouted as she hugs Izuku tightly again

"Also Round Face told me to tell you she couldn't make it but you can call her anytime." said Bakugou. Izuku lightly blushes thinking about being on the phone with a girl.

"Anyways. When do we go back to class?" Asked Kirishima

"Aizawa told me that classes are going to be canceled, he said he wants us to train for another beginning event." Said Bakugou.

"ANOTHER VILLAIN ATTACK?!" Kaminari shouted

"No. I know what he's talking about... I remember I would always watch this as a kid." Izuku said.

"Then what is he talking about?" Asked Jiro

Izuku and Bakugou smiles.....

"The Sports Festival."

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