𝑻 𝑯 𝑹 𝑬 𝑬 ♱

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She gave me a helmet and I sat down on the backseat of her scooter. "Tell me where to go, gorgeous". She drove away, and we didn't talked the whole way. Sometimes I say where she should go, but the tension between us grow and I just wish we were home. "Yes here it is", she stopped, parked her scooter and I took her inside. The burning lights in the hall shine into my eyes.

Outside, it is dark, the moon shines and little lights are everywhere. The hall was empty, no one was there. So I pushed Victoria against the wall, looking in her eyes. She was desperate for me, and I was desperate for her. The girl pushed her lips on mine, and I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. She pulled on my hair, while my hands rest on her breasts.

As soon as we broke off, we almost ran into the elevator, to kiss each other again. I pushed the button the the sixth floor, where I lived when Victoria pushed me against the wall, letting a soft moan escape from my mouth. "Show me your room, gorgeous". She said, in a slutty way. "I'll, but be patient, this elevator is slow", it was true, this elevator was slow as fucked, and it seemed to take aged before I finally felt the elevator stopping.

"Be quiet, I have siblings". I said as soon as we stepped into my appartment. Luckily Maddison went to her bed, and obviously the kids were already sleeping. "Wine?", I opened the fridge, while Victoria looked around, nodding. "Your place is beautiful". I raised my eyebrow and gave her a glass. "Please just skip that part", we both chuckled and she walked towards me. One moment, I am stuck between the kitchen and Victoria her body. "For the second time, show me your room", her empty glass landed on the table, and without even one doubt I took her hand, leading her to my room.

The door closed and Victoria looked around for a second. "Nice room", I cupped her chin and grinned. "Nice body". It made her chuckle and her hand went under my blouse to my back. Her lips went on mine and the heavy kissing came back, but this time even rougher. Together with her we walked to the bed, not letting go of each other for even a single second. We fell on my bed with dark blue sheets, which was still messy because I never make it up.

"Olivia Camilla Esposito! Come out right now". The voice of my sister made me wanna die inside. I ignored her for a second, but Victoria stopped me. "Who is that?". "My twin sister, give me a second", I placed a long rough kiss in her neck, making her moan in pleasure. "I will wait for you". I winked, stepping towards the door.

"What the hell are you doing, and who are you with?", Maddison snapped. "None of your buisiness, leave me", I snapped back and Maddison grabbed my arm. "Liv, who is that?". "You'll see tomorrow morning". I winked at my sister, pushing her hand away. "Slut". "That's not very nice, Maddison". I shove her a middle finger and disappear back in my room, closing the door.

Victoria lays on my bed, while doing something on her phone. "I heard I stay for the night", she throw away her phone and I crawl on top of her. "You don't have to if you do not want, but going home at four in the morning is a little risky don't ya think". "I never said I don't want to". We both chuckled. She rolled over to sit on my hips, while undressing herself, until only her bralette and slip were left. While looking at this girl undressing herself, I gasped so load. Hoping my sister would hear how much fun I was having tonight.

After she ripped all her clothes off, her lips traced over my body. I arched my back, when her lips hit my belly button, and I moaned out load. "Shh you have siblings", she muttered, while she led her hand down to my sensitive spot, making me moan even harder. "Right now, I even want my sister to hear". She giggles, giving me the best feeling. "You like it?", she asked when I gasped load. "What the actual fuck do you think". My eyes are closed and focussed on her lips between my thighs. Her tongue hit my aching spot and I moaned out, grabbing the sheets.

More than two hours later Victoria fell next me on the bed, load breathing, still shocked about what just happened. And so did I, my breath had no rythm and my heart beat is out of control. We both grabbed our phone and I openend Instagram.

*ethaneskin started following you*

*thomasraggi__ started following you*

I chuckled, it were Victoria her friends. "Ethan and Thomas started following me", Victoria looked on my phone and laughed. "Dickheads". "No they are nice".

*vicdeangelis started following you*

I smiled. "Well now I have 900 followers, thanks Vic". My phone buzzed again, and I noticed it was Maddison. She texted me four times.

"Olivia, why did you brought someone?"

"Liv, answer"

"Can you maybe go to a hotel when you meet someone"


I sigh. This girls makes me so angry, why can't she just let me live my life. "What's going on Liv?", next to me Victoria looks with me on my phone, she heard me sighing. "My twin, she makes me so mad". "She is probably just worried, I have a sister too". "A twin sister?", raising my eyebrow I looked at the naked girl next to me. "No she is a year younger, but she can be annoying too".

"Maddison, listen to me, this is my life. And I'm 20 years old so leave me be. And what do you care if I spend my night with someone?".

"I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow gorgeous", she wants to turn around but I cupped her chin, and pressed a long hot kiss on her lips, making her want me again. "Goodnight", I smiled, and the bassist turned around.

"We talk tomorrow about this"

"No Maddison we won't and from now on you let me live my life".

I put away my phone and turn around with my back towards Victoria, who was already sleeping, or at least trying to fall asleep.  


wow, one night stand with her, I'm sold

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