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She fell next to me on her bed, load breathing. I covered my naked body with a blanket which was laying on her bed. Victoria immediately starts dressing herself, and she looks at the ground. "What is wrong Vic?", I say, when she trows my blouse towards me, signing to dress myself too. "This was wrong, we shouldn't have done this", she said, walking towards her bathroom, to fix her messy hair. Without talking to Victoria I also dressed myself into my clothes. Outside, it was dark, and the moon was surrounded by dark grey clouds. "Aren't you gonna let me explain?", I say, biting in my own tooth, because I maybe spoke a little too bitchy.

"It's better that you maybe leave", without any emotion in her voice she said, not looking at me. "Vic", I muttered, pulling on my shoes. "No, you still fucked it up! please leave", she looked in the mirror, and I saw a single tears gathering up in her eyes. "Please, please listen to me Victoria". I walk towards her, and take her arm. She walks backwards and pushes away my arm. "Please leave me alone Liv, please", she walks by me, pushing me away with her shoulder.

She walked towards the balcony, pretending to clean up all leaves the tree left on it, but I saw she was hiding her tears. I know I should leave it, but I just want to be okay with her. "Victoria, I'm so fucking sorry", I also entered the balcony and she turned around. My hands grabbed her cheeks, and I pressed my lips on hers. For one tiny second, which was still one tiny second, she kissed me back, before pushing me away. "You don't wanna be with me, than you should leave", she gave me a deadly stare, before turning around again.

A tear fell down, and I turned around, walking away, or actually running away, downstairs. "Liv, wait", Thomas sees me running off the stairs. "She fucking hates me, I knew it", tears were rolling down my cheek, and Thomas his hand turned me around. "Wait what happened?", he opened his arms and I almost ran inside his arm, cuddling into her chest. "She fucking hates me", I repeated, load sobbing. "Why would you think that?", he asks, caressing my hair.

"Please explain me, what happened?!", Thomas yelled, starting to get desperate about my upset behavior. His hands let go of me, and in a few steps I walked towards the door, opening it, about to run away from this house, when Thomas his hands stopped me. "Calm down Liv, please", he yells, taking me with him towards the living room, where luckily no one else is, exept for Chili, Victoria her dog. "Sit down", he ordered, but with a patient and sweet ton in his deep voice.

I was shocked, by how I acted about what is going on between Victoria and me. No part of me ever thought I would get so upset when someone hated me, normally I wouldn't care, I would just walk away from it, ignorning it. With a hot cup with soup in it I sit on the couch, with my head resting on Thomas his shoulder, still trying to calm myself down. "Can you tell me what happened Liv?", he asks, taking my hand, and I squeezed it his, hard enough to avoid tears gather up in my own eyes. "She k-kissed me, f-fucked me, and-", I stop, to swallow and blow over my hot soup.

"And?", Thomas repeats and I continue. "And than she told me to leave, because I still fucked it up". Thomas stays quiet, so do I. My soup is hot, but Idrink it anyways, desperatly waiting for Thomas to say something. "Didn't she let you talk?". I shaked with my head, "no". The guitarist sighed, really deep, and I felt my head moving. "What should I do Thomas? I wanna make it okay with her", he looked at me, and in his eyes I saw he had no idea.

"You should try to talk to her, again", he said, making me swallow again. "She hates m-me, doesn't she?", questioningly I look at the guitarist. "She likes you, she has feelings for you, so no she does not, she is disappointed". His answer made it even harder. "I think I'm heading home", without saying another word about this topic. Thomas led me to the door, giving me a hug before I left the house. "Text me if you want to talk, or something else.", he smiled, making me thank the universe for giving me such an amazing new friend.

Honestly I didn't wanted to leave, I wanted to stay here. For a few seconds I stare at my scooter, and Thomas still stands in front of the door. "Can I-I maybe stay?", like a homeless child I asked, making Thomas smile bright. "Of course, I bet you need more Thomas Raggi hugs", he said, and I chuckled. "Come here", he says, inviting me in his arms, letting me cuddle into his chest.

"Wanna do something?", he asked, after I calmed down, and all my tears were definitely gone, because I cried enough for today. "Sure!", I agreed, cuddling with Chili, while hoping with my whole heart Victoria wasn't home. According to my phone, it was 10:04 PM, and Thomas came with a brilliant idea. "Let's go bake something", he said, walking towards the kitchen. I chuckled, following him.

"You are aware of the fact that it's past ten in the evening", I said, seeing Thomas grabbing some stuff to bake a cake, according to the packaging. "I don't really care", he laughed, reading the packaging, about how to prepare and make the cake. "Baking cake isn't hard, I can do that without this", I threw the packaging away, and pushes Thomas away to prepare the cake, making him giggle.

"Thomas not to much!", I yelled, watching the guitarist destroy our cake, by adding way, way too much butter. "Who cares about how buttery the cake is?", he asked, starting to stir the mixture with a large spoon. "You added twice as much as we need". He stays quiet, and tries to remove some butter with his hand. "Thomas that is gross!", I snapped, removing his hand out of the mixture.

The cake didn't fail, but like I said, it's way too buttery. "Told you it was too much butter Thomas", I saw, while eating my slice of cake. "I like it", with a mouth full of cake he says, making me smile. "I really have to go now", I said, making myself ready to leave. "Ho ho, you are leaving me here, with this mess in the kitchen", insulted he said, pointing into the kitchen, and he was right, it is one hell of a mess. "Yea, yes I do", I grinned, giving him a quick hug, and running towards the door before he could chase me.  



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