𝑻 𝑾 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝒀 - 𝑬 𝑰 𝑮 𝑯 𝑻 ♱

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Slighty nervous, I sit in the backseat of Thomas his car, who is driving. I play with the rings around Damiano his fingers and Victoria sleeps on my shoulder. Today it's my little cousin Fabio his birthday, and my aunt and uncle invited us to come to his fifth birthday party. Ethan is sitting in the chair next to Thomas, and in the car behind us, Giorgia is driving with Maddison, Lina, Vincenzo and Mauro. "Stop being so nervous Liv, they are your family", the singer says, putting his hand on mine. "I'm not, I just don't like them", I sigh, seeing on Thomas his phone that it's only ten minutes left.

"Viccy, baby, we are there", I softly shake Victoria awake, kissing her right hand. My girlfriends yawns and looks around, when we drive into the street were my aunt and uncle live. In the south of Salerno Taranto, they have a villa, and it's a beautiful one. "Wow that's a sick house", Ethan says, and gets out of the car as soon as Thomas parked the car. Noises come out of the backyard and load music is playing. Like a huge family, we walk with the ten of us towards the front door.

"Maddison dear! Welcome!", aunt Elisa wraps her arms around my sister when she opens the door. I'm standing behind Thomas, so she cannot see me immediately. "These are our friends, Damiano, Thomas, Ethan, Giorgia and Victoria", everyone smiles, when Maddison introduces them. Lina, Mauro and Vincenzo run inside, to see their cousin again. "Welcome everyone, where is my other niece?", Elisa smiles bright. "She looks so nice", Victoria whispers in my ear. "Wait for it", I grab her hand, and walk towards my aunt, after everyone walked inside the house. "I missed you too Olivia", she wraps her arms around me, and I almost choke. "Aunt Elisa, this is Victoria", I start, and Elisa her face smiles nicely towards my girlfriend. "She is my girlfriend", I say, and my aunts face changed, to something called disgust.

"Ow, your girlfriend", she looks cold, which makes me grin. "Yes, my girlfriend, happy birthday to your son", I smile, turning Victoria's face to mine, pressing a kiss on her lips. My aunt stops me when we walk in and I let go of Victoria. "Come with me Olivia Camilla", she drags me into the kitchen, looking disgusted in my eyes. "Why did you bring that girl?", she ask, starting to make some food, but not for me I guess. "Because I fucking love her, and you said I was allowed to bring my friends", I say, leaning against the kitchen. "What would your parents think if they'd know about you dating a girl", Elisa is my dads sister, but she is so nothing like him. "They would want me to be happy, and keep my parents out of it", I snap, feeling my blood boil of anger.

Without another word she leaves the kitchen, and I follow her towards the gardin, where I see many people I've never seen before, and many kids running around. "Where were you?", Thomas comes towards me, and hands me a cup with ice tea. "Talking to that bitch", I say, pointing at my aunt. "David and David seem to like each other", Thomas chuckles, pointing at my uncle talking and laughing with Damiano. "Where's Viccy?", I ask, a little loader since everyone is talking so load. "Over there", he points at the corner of the gardin, where my girlfriend is sitting, alone. "I'm gonna talk to her", I say, and Thomas smiles, walking towards Maddison.

"Hey, I don't know you", a guy, he is about my age, stops me on my way to Victoria. "Believe me, I'd rather be home right now", I say, and he chuckles. "I'm Nico", he shakes my hand, and I do the same back. "Olivia, nice to meet you", I smile. "How do you know this family?", I ask, taking a sip from my ice cold drink. "My dad is friends with David, and you?", Nico says, pointing at a man, who is talking with Maddison. "I'm Fabio's cousin", I say.

"You are very beautiful", he says, and I sigh, why do all boys have to be the same. "Yes, and also very mine". Arms wrap around me, and a voice I recognize dances through my head, it's Victoria. Nico rolls with his eyes, and walks away. I turn my face to Victoria's and kiss her cheekbone. "Everyone thinks you're pretty, but you are mine, remember", she says, grabbing my chin.

"Can I have everyone's attention!", the voice of my uncle interrupts Vic and mine cuddle session. "Let's all go sing for my son", he says, and Fabio turns red. While cuddling with Victoria we walk towards the group of people, to sing for Fabio his birthday. "Olivia! Come here", the angry voice of my aunt behind gives me chills, but I ignore her and everyone starts singing. "Olivia!", she grabs my arm and pulls me backwards. "Don't touch her like that!", Victoria snaps, pulling me back. I grin towards my aunt who rolls with her eyes. "I want to talk to you Olivia!", I sigh, pressing a kiss on Victoria her lips, "wait for me". I walk after my aunt towards the living room, which is empty because everyone is outside.

"Can you not do that in front of Fabio and his friends, it's a bad influence", she says, sitting down on the couch. "I'm sorry, why would that be a bad influence?", I say. My aunt invites me on the couch too, but I keep standing, like I'm about to leave, which I actually am. "We don't want our son to see two women's together, and Lina, Mauro and Vincenzo shouldn't either". I sigh, and I just want to beat this bitch up. "Listen very clearly, Lina, Vincenzo and Mauro don't give a fuck about seeing me and Victoria together, they love Victoria just like I do. It's so normal that two girls love each other, so if you could just accept it and let me and my girlfriend live our lifes". Aunt Elisa wide-eyed, but stays quiet.

"One last chance, don't kiss or hug in front of my son", she grabs my cheeks, and I push her away. "Don't fucking touch me", I snap, walking out of the room.  


fuck you Elisa, tomorrow last part :(((((((

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