𝑬 𝑰 𝑮 𝑯 𝑻 𝑬 𝑬 𝑵 ♱

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My hand wrapping in Victoria her hands, we step towards the restaurant I choose to take her to. It's only a few minutes walking. "You already regret taking me to Milan, since I'm gonna spend all your money tonight", she says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "it was Thomas his money", I muttered, making her chuckle. The restaurant looked chic, and so fancy. "Girl I love you way too much", before we can walk inside Victoria cupped on my cheeks, pressing a few kisses on my cheek. I push her gently away, chuckling. "Don't you dare push me out of the way baby", she snaps, pulling me back, and again wrapping her arms around me neck, smiling and blushing.

I mean, we were allowed to be this close. It took us so long to get together in the first place, and there is literally no one who could make me happier than Victoria. "Like rain, I'll always fall for you", she whispered, making me chuckle. "So we are poetic now?", I said, as she nodded bravely and took me inside.

*victoria posts a picture with olivia, on Christmas eve*

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Tagged: Oliviaesposito

Vicdeangelis: You made my life shine, my princess

Comments: 1.382


Maneskinofficial: what a beautiful couple

Ykaaar: maneskinofficial we both know you wrote this vic


Maddie.esposito: my twin is ugly

Thomasraggi__: maddie.esposito yea she is

Vicdeangelis: maddie.esposito thomasraggi__ you two are ugly if you think she is

Wide-eyed I try to ignore what I just saw. It was my ex-girlfriend Mandy, yes, the girlfriend I dumped. Apparently she works here, and I'm standing here, just whising she wouldn't notice me. "Where do you wanna sit?", Victoria pulls me with her towards the tables, seeing I turned white. "Liv, are you okay", she places her hands on my cheeks, her hands feel warm on my skin. "Nothing, I'm fine", I smile, pulling her with me to a table in the corner of the restaurant.

Nervously playing with my fork, while Victoria is going through the menu. "Everything is just so delicious, what should I choose?", her words completely passed through my head. "Olivia?!", her voice shaked me awake. "Uhm yes I'm taking the pasto with garlic", I say, feeling my girlfriend taking my hand. "Can I maybe take your orders?", a really fimiliar voice runs into my ears, making me choke in my own spit. "Ow Olivia, hi", Mandy looks in my eyes, and I swallow. "Mandy, hi", awkwardly playing with my napkin, I look at Victoria.

"Wait, you know each other?", Victoria says, looking to Mandy, and than towards me. "We u-used to d-date", I awkwardly say, swallowing. My girl doesn't seem to be feel how awkward I am in this situation. "Ow you must be Mandy, I'm Victoria". "Her new girlfriend, I know", Mandy says, smiling a little arrogant. "I'm sorry", Victoria says, a little shocked, and Mandy turns her face to mine, looking disgusted. "Good luck with her Victoria, hopefully she doesn't dump you, like she did with me", my jaw drops, and Victoria looks at me. "Mandy, please", I mutter, looking at my ex. "Good luck with this bitch Victoria, this selfish, emotionless bitch", she gives me a deadly face.

"I'm sorry, but why are you acting like this, did my love do something wrong?", I loved the way how Victoria stood up for me, but again, I was too pussy to say something. "You don't wanna date this girl", Mandy said, and a grin appeared on Victoria her face. "Don't say another word about my girlfriend or I'll kick your ass", she said, like she wasn't finished. "I-", Mandy wanted to speak, but Victoria interrupted her. "Ssh, you may hate Olivia, but she is with me now, and don't you fucking dare ruin this and go fuck yourself".

"Can I take your order please?", A fake smile appeared on Mandy her face, taking our orders, before walking away. "What was that Olivia?", Victoria asked, taking a big sip from her wine, while I stared at her hands. "You knew I have an ex right, and she is just angry about something that happened four years ago", I said, taking Victoria her hands. "Olivia, what happened that she was so upset", My girlfriend pulled her hands away. I made a fist, avoiding the tears, which were about to gather up in my eyes. "I was young, stupid and defenitely not aware of the meaning of love", I said, searching for my phone in my purse. "I'm going to the bathroom", without waiting for an answer I got up, walking, or actually, running away.

"Please pick up, please pick up", I whispered, looking at myself in the mirror, hopefully waiting for Thomas to pick up his phone. "Liv, are you okay?", his voice made me sigh in relief. "Mandy is here, a-and Vic, I think she i-is mad", panicking I snapped at my best friend. "Wait Mandy, as in, your ex?", he asked, while I wiped my tears away. "y-yes". "But why would Vic be mad?", the guitarist asked, with a calming tone in his voice. "Because Mandy told her how awful I am, a-and", I stopped, waiting for Thomas to say something. "She loves you, she won't be mad, only shocked", he said and I sighed. "Thanks Thom", I said, knowing he smiled at the other end of the phone.

"Make a beautiful evening of it", he said, picking up the phone. I fixed my hair in the mirror. Sprayed on some new parfume. Wiped the last tears away, before walking back towards the table, where Victoria was still waiting.


wow this part was short, I'm sorry  

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