𝑻 𝑾 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝒀 - 𝑺 𝑬 𝑽 𝑬 𝑵 ♱

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A few days ago I went home, but I have to stay in bed and I can only get out to use the bathroom or take a shower. We planned so many fun gigs the next months, and having to disappoint the fans is something I hate, and I also disappoint myself, I was so looking forward to play live. Sometimes my head hurts a lot, and sometimes everything is just fine and I'm wondering why I can't get out of bed. My girlfriends is the best, she always was, but this proves she loves me more than anything. Olivia refuses to leave me alone for a night, so right now she is just basically living here, not that I mind.

Next to me on the bed, Ethan is sleeping, no one likes leaving me alone, so I actually have a babysitter walking around every second of every day. The drummer is tired and I play with his long black hair, listening to artic monkeys, their soft songs, since all those rocksong hurt my head pretty much. I hum along with the sound when the little dog chili wakes up, and jumps on the bed, load barking. "What?!", yawning Ethan wakes up, looking shocked. I chuckle, playing with my little curly dog. "I'm gonna send your girl upstairs, and take a nap in my own room", yawning again, the drummer says, getting up, stumbling towards the door.

Steps run up the stairs, walking towards my door, and I just hear it's Olivia. Smiling she comes in, "hello baby, how are you feeling". I sigh, but smile, being a little tired of her keep asking how I am. "Fine, just like the last twenty times you asked", I chuckle, and my girlfriends joins me in my bed, leaning her head against my shoulder. In two weeks we are going to her uncle and aunt, and to be honest I'm actually looking forward to it, mostly because I just love showing people that Olivia is mine, and also to show those homphobic person that it is not weird to love who you want to love.

"Liv?", I ask, and her head turns towards mine. "Vic?", she asks, and I grab her cheeks with both hand, pulling her lips against mine, very gentle. "I missed that", I whisper against her lips, trying to pull her on my lap. "Baby, you are still recovering". Her words are not actually bothering me, and my lips keep touching hers. "We can do it gentle and soft", I giggle, making my puppy eyes towards my girlfriend, who starts smiling. "Only because you're you", she says, and I softly pull her on my lap. I think the adhesive plaster on my forehead is not making me very attractive, but Olivia does not seem to care.


Softly, I kiss my girlfriends lips, while my hands are under her shirt, gently squeezing in her hips. It's actually just like in a movie, a slow-motion hot scene, but like way better. "Baby, I won't break", she says, wrapping her arms around my waist, placing her lips in my neck. "Yes, you will", I giggle, trying to stay quiet. I mean, it's been more than a week. As softly as I can, I remove her shirt, noticing she isn't wearing a bra, "I missed that view", I smile, seeing Victoria biting on her lip while I remove my own shirt. When it lands on the ground, I get off her lap, helping her on mine, carefully. "Victoria, calm down", I moan against her lips, when her hips start moving against mine.

My girlfriend sighs, "liv, I told you I'm fine", for ten second she looks annoyed and disappointed in my eyes, before I start grinning. "So, you are fine, ride my thigh than", I say, causing her to blush. "Oh, I will, I surely will, because I'm fine". When Victoria her hips start moving in a pretty rough rythm, the door opens, and my twin sister Maddison comes in, wide-eyed as soon as she seen us. "Gosh, girls, lock the door", she squeals. "Just don't come in", I grin at my sister, who is covering her eyes with her hands. "I just came to ask if you want something to eat Vic", Maddison asks, sounding a little uncomfortable, which I can completely understand. "I already have something to eat", Victoria chuckles, biting in my lower lip. Maddison gags, closing the door.

I chuckle, but Victoria returns straight to where we were. "You said 'ride my thigh' so that is what I'm going to do my love", she grins, placing her nails in my hips, which cause me to gasp. "I missed that smirk", I grin back, moving Victoria her hips against me. "That's good baby", I praise my girlfriend, leaving love marks in her neck. Her breath goes faster, and I feel her heart beating in the same rythm as mine. "Gosh, I'm so close", I moaned, and my body shakes, making her gasp.

"I really really missed that Liv", Victoria kisses my cheekbone, while I help here back into her side of the bed. "I noticed you did", I say, taking the bassist in my arms, with her head resting on my chest. "Take your medicines", I say, as grab a little package with white medicines off the night stand. "Yes mom", she chuckles, taking the medicines out of my hands.

My fingers run over her arms, giving her chills. "I'm cold", she shivers, and I grab a dark red fluffy blanket from the ground, wrapping it over my girlfriend body. "You're the best, Livvy", she says, and I giggle, placing little kisses on her ear. "I love you Viccy", I say. "Livvy and Viccy, topteam", she laughs, and I give her tickle attacks.  


sorry for short part, but isn't this just adorable. Also; only two chapters left :(

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