bonus chapter

376 7 0

V I C T O R I A: 

"I don't know, it feels like she's done with me. Like she doesn't find me attractive anymore", with a chocolate bar in my hand and a blanket wrapped around myself, I sat on Maddison her couch. 

The by now, seven year old Lina sat on the coffee table in front of us, looking at the photos from our tour. 

I was whining, whining about my girlfriend towards her twin sister. 

Maybe low, but at least I have someone to talk to. "And what makes you think she doesn't find you attractive anymore", with a sigh, Maddie leaned her forehead against the side of her head. 

Olivia, we were obviously talking about Olivia. 

We have been dating for two and a half years now, and I still love her like I loved her when I met her. She didn't change a single thing. 

Still a party person, and someone you can come home with at five AM, drunk. She is perfect, still the best person I have ever met. 

But since about a month, something between us changed. She comes home around the same time as I do, but we eat something and both go to bed. 

Oh yes, she lives in my house. Our house. I couldn't be happier to share my apartment with the love of my life. 

"Literally, the last time we cuddled ourselves to sleep is about a week ago, just like the last time we had sex. Can you imagine, Liv and I used to have sex once, maybe even twice a day. And now, it's been a week", desperately, I fell backwards on the couch. 

Lina turned around at the word sex, she thinks it is a gross word. Well, let me tell you something; sex with Olivia is everything, but not gross. 

"Yea, so what, she's got that new job and you are very busy with the band, you guys should make some time for each other, just ask her", if I didn't had Maddison, I would be no where. No, kidding, her advice was useless. 

I needed Olivia to act like she always would. But maybe her twin sis was right, maybe I should just talk to her.                                                                                                             


"Livvy baby, are you home?", I greeted her as I got into our house. No answer, she must be still at work, as always. 

But I cannot blame her for that, I'm also always at work. 

On the way home I decided to make her dinner on our bed, while I kiss her shoulders and whisper lovely things in her ears. 

But I was too late with doing that, since she already came home. 

"I'm home", she yelled, before she entered the kitchen. "Oh hey, I didn't know you were home already", Olivia was dressing out of her coat, placing it on the chair. 

"Hi baby", before she could go near the fridge to grab some dinner, I rested my hands on her cheeks and kissed her heavily. 

Wow, I didn't know I missed this so much. 

I missed her lips a lot. 

The kiss didn't lasted long, as Olivia pushed me softly away. 

"Please Vic, I'm literally exhausted, my day was rough". Yes, her day is always rough, and she never wants a kiss. 

"Okay, I'm going to bed, I'm not even hungry", at least, I got a very pretty smile from her, before she left the room and got into our bedroom. 

With a sigh, I fell against the fridge. 

What was wrong with her. Was I too ugly for her? Does she have someone else? Oh no, please do not let her be cheating on me. 

I followed her towards our room and dressed out of my clothes. In my bra and slip, I got into the bed, waiting for Olivia to come out of the bathroom. "How was your day Vic?", she asked, sounding too unintrested, but at least she asked. 

"I went by your sister and Lina, nothing more, it was pretty boring without you my love", I told her, earning just a chuckle before she entered the bed. 

"Goodnight Viccy, I love you", she caressed her hand over mine. At least she loves me. she turned her back towards me and tapped off the light. 

There I was, day eight of no sex. Day eight of no cuddling. 

I wasn't gonna give up, or she was going to tell me what's going on, or she's gonna make out with me 'til our lips hurt so much we cannot continue. 

"Goodnight baby, love you", from behind, I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing a million kisses on top of her head. First, she stays silent, until she definetely had something to say. 

"Baby please, it's super hot in here, can you not". she was just sending me away, oh my gosh Olivia. "Okay, just like the past week, night Olivia", on purpose I said her real name instead of Liv, and on purpose I said night instead of good night. 

Because if it was a good night, we would be exhausted from sex right now and we would cuddle 'til the morning. 

"What's going on, are you mad?", she got up, and turned her clearly annoyed fac towards me. 

"No Olivia, I just want to cuddle with you, and kiss you, and make out with you, and have sex with you, but that seems to be to much for you. Do you even still love me?", I did my best to not snap at Liv, but I was really going to. 

"What? Are you mad because I do not want to have sex. Have you any idea how tired I am from work". She always is. 

"Yes Livvy, you always are, but I'm here too, and I at least need a good night kiss or a hug from you. 

You're always tired, and I'm not asking much, I'm just asking for my girlfriend to love me", my hand was searching for hers, hoping she wouldn't get angry. 

She kept silent. 

She looked at me but I wasn't able to read the look on her face, she looked mad, tired and shocked. Olivia didn't pull her hand away, luckily. 

"Vic", she mumbled, and I bit on the inside of my cheek. She is going to tell me she is cheating, she is going to tell me that she is not in love with me anymore. 

Those thought kept mixing with each other in my mind, but Olivia kept her mouth shut and her eyes kept looking into mine. 

All out of sudden, she leaned over me and pressed my back against the bed. 

"Don't you ever say that I do not love you Victoria de Angelis", she grinned against my lips, before she pushed hers on mine. 

It was better than any other kiss we ever had, just because I am now sure that I don't have to worry about her love for me anymore. 

"I'm just tired, that's it. It doesn't mean that I love you any less, because I don't", she giggled against my lips. 

I wasn't able to speak out load, but I just smiled at her, knowing it was enough. She still loves me as much as I love her, how could I ever doubt her. 


I'm sorry, I missed Livvy and Viccy

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