𝑻 𝑾 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝒀 - 𝑭 𝑶 𝑼 𝑹 ♱

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"Victoria!", out of panic I push one of the four people away, stopping as soon as I see her. Blood is running down her face, and leaking on the ground. A nurse next to her is stopping the blood, holding a wet towel against the wound on her head. Two other people are preparing the stretcher. "Oh my gosh baby", I kneel next to her, starting to sob harder. "Are you her girlfriend?", the nurse asks, starting to get up as soon as the other people give her a sigh that the stretcher is ready. "Y-yes", I mutter, squeezing in her hand, until she softly opens her eyes, as soon as the nurse move her towards the stretcher. "I'm right here, baby".

Behind me I hear Thomas, Ethan, damiano and Giorgia jumping out of their car, pushing everyone out of the way. "My gosh Vic", Ethans yells. Thomas starts crying, when he sees the blood on his best friends head. "Only one of you is allowed to come, I'm sorry", the nurse says and everyone looks at me. "You should go", Thomas says, wrapping his arms around me. "No no I can't", I sob, wiping tears in my eyes away. "Go", Giorgia places a kiss on my hair, and the nurse helps me into the ambulance. The doors closes and I see everyone jumping into the car, ready to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Victoria is not unconscious, her eyes are slits and she is breathing fast and out of rhythm. Seeing her like this is worse than any other pain I've ever felt. The nurse puts something on Victoria's arm, but I don't know what it is. I feel helpless because I can't do anything to help her. Her eyes close, and the nurse starts talking. "What's her name?", she looks at me, and I start panicking. "Victoria!", I yell her name through the ambulance. "Okay, Victoria, can you tell me what day it is, and how old you are?", the nurse talks fast, and Victoria her eyes open again for a few seconds. "Keep talking to her", the women in front of me order, and I swallow.

"It's my fault, it's my fault, I'm so sorry baby", the sirens are screaming into my ear and one of the nurses is stopping the blood from leaking out of her. "Can you tell me what happened?", she asks, while I cry in Victoria her hand. "I was angry, so she ran away, a-and I don't know", she probably can do nothing with this information, but I just wanna know Victoria will be okay. "W-will she b-be fine?", hopeful I look in the nurse her eyes, while I see the hospital out of the window. "We'll do our best", her words make me only more scared. "Please Viccy I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry"

Thomas, Giorgia, Damiano and Ethan jump out of the car next to the ambulance. I have no idea what to do and run to the others. We watch as the nurses carefully get Victoria out of the ambulance, and disappear into the hospital without another word. A man in his fifties approaches us and asks for some information about Victoria. "She is now undergoing surgery, as soon as we have news, we'll let you know", the man smiles friendly, as if nothing is wrong.

The last three hours were literally a hell, for me, and for the others. Victoria is getting surgery right now, and we are waiting in the hall. Thomas is leaning on my shoulder, sleeping, since it is two AM. Damiano and Ethan are both staring at the ground, with tears in their eyes. Since we arrived here, I was not able to cry, or feel any emotion. Giorgia said I can't blame this on me, but I do, I really do. If I didn't got angry and didn't sent her away, she wouldn't have got this accident.

"I'm going to the shop downstairs, who's coming?", Ethan mumbles, yawning. Without waking Thomas, I get up walking with Ethan down the stairs. The silence is painful, we don't want to talk, we want Victoria to be fine. When the elevator stops, we get out, stepping into the hall from the hospital, with in the middle a shop with flowers, balloons and lots of food and drinks. "We should buy a balloon, for her", I say, showing a very tiny smile. "Good idea", the drummer says, while also grabbing some bottles of water.

With a balloon with the text 'I love you', we head back towards the elevator. Ethan bought some bottles of water and tiny breads, not that we are hungry, but maybe for later. "Ethan", I swallow, stopping in front of the elevator. "Yes Liv", he says, and I see tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm so scared", before I can even look at him again, I wipe away my tears. "Me too, Liv, me too", he drops the bag with food, and invites me in his arms, making me cry harder. "Tell me she'll be fine", I look at him, making him swallow, and cry harder. "I can't". His words are more painful than ever, but she will get better, she has to.

"I'm going to give Maddie a call." I say, as soon as Ethan and I enter the hall again, where everyone is still anxiously waiting for news. Thomas nods briefly at me and I turn around, looking for my phone in my jackets pocket. Finally, between all the candy wrappers and plastic bags, I take my phone out of my pocket. Fingers trembling, I dial my sister's phone number, waiting impatiently to hear her voice.

"Liv, hi how are you?". I sigh in relief as soon as Maddison picks up the phone. "Vic had an accident", playing with my own hair, to avoid new tears I tell Maddison exactly what happened. "Oh gosh Liv, should I come?", she asks, and I hear her swallow again. "Please", I take a deep breath, getting out of the way for two nurses riding a bed with a child in it. This place makes me shiver. "I'm on my way, right now", Maddison says, hanging up the phone.  


omg, the way I'm crying

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