𝑭 𝑶 𝑼 𝑹 ♱

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Noises in the living room wake me up. Victoria, who lays on the other side of the bed, is still sleeping. Quietly I get out of my bed, placing on little kiss on her shoulder. I found a bralette on the ground, which I hope is mine and not hers. I dressed into it and also into a slip. In the living room I hear Maddison talking to Vincenzo, who is clearly being annoying.

"Good morning my dear siblings", I laughed and raised Lina, the youngest one and turned rounds with her, fast. "Well, why are you so happy this morning", Mauro asked and I saw a deadly look on Maddison her face. "Because this girl had much fun tonight", I said, putting Lina down on the ground, and I saw Vincenzo and Mauro covering their ears. "That's gross, very very gross". I laughed, sticking out my tongue to my oldest little brother.

"Who is it?", Maddison asked me, whispering so the kids wouldn't hear it. "Maybe she'll come out of my room". "Okay so it's a girl". I rolled with my eyed, "Maddie, I'm bisexual, yea it's a girl". The breakfast which was laying on Vincenzo his plate disappears in my mouth, "stop that's my food". I stick my tongue out to my little brother and walk towards my room again, making everyone sigh. Like the sleeping beauty there she lays, the hottest girl I've ever laid eyes on. I move myself towards her and wrap my arms around her, to press little kisses on her shoulder, hoping she would wake up. Victoria was clearly tired, because she is not waking up.

Disappointed because she won't wake up I walk back towards the living room. "Is your date not waking up?", Mauro asked while he is getting into his shoes and coat. "No she's still sleeping". I left towards the kitchen, while he looked wide-eyed. "She?!", he said. "She", I repeated him with a confident tone in my voice. He gave me a disgusted look and I shove him a middle finger

Lina, Maddison and Vincenzo were still eating their breakfast and I'm making myself a coffee, when Victoria stepped in the room. She was wearing with the clothes she wore last night, and she looks better than ever. Maddison almost chocked in her sandwich. "Hi", she said, a little shy. Lina waved and Maddison stays quiet. "I need to go", Victoria said and I led her towards the door.

When she opened the white wooden door I held her back. And press a long kiss on her lips. Behind us I heard my sister whispering to Maddison, but what I have know idea, probably something bad about us. So I press my lips a little harder on Victoria her lips, to annoy my sister a little more. "Loved tonight", she winked at me, slapping my ass and within a second she left the house.

As soon as I turned around Lina, Maddison and Vincenzo's mouths all fell open, but I ignored it. And started making breakfast for myself. "Victoria de Angelis?!". I nodded towards Maddison. "Yes Maddie, Victoria de Angelis", I grinned, thinking back to last night. "You and Victoria de Angelis?", Maddison still looked wide-eyes at me, which was starting to get on my nerves. "Relax, it was just a one night stand". It didn't seemed to make Maddison less shocked.

My twin sister and I clean the house, while listening to Måneskin songs. I have to confess, I have never actually listened to Måneskin songs. But songs like "moriro da re" and "la paura del buio" are actually so good.

"Liv?", Maddison stops wiping the floor and looks me in the eyes. We are fraternal twins, but of course you can see we are twins. My black hair is wavy and hers is straight, we have the same eye color, but everything else is different. Especially our character and personality, but I think everyone already knows that.

"Maddison", I give a face to the picture which is standing on the desk, surrounded by candles, flowers and drawings Lina made. "You think mom and dad would have wanted this, you, how you are now". My blood starts boiling. "Keep mom and dad out of it, we all have a different was of processing", I wipe the desk, and replace the old candles for new ones, and feed the flowers.

"So having one night stand with a world famous bass player is your way of processing our parents death". I hate it when Maddison uses the words parents and death in one sentence. "Keep Victoria out of this too". She sighs, which makes me even agrier. I know Maddison is right, but I'm not that kind of person who is open about their feeling. I just have to process this on my own.

"Maddie, please let me do this on my own, this is the way I am, and you can not change that". This conversation has to stop, right now, before I start crying. I've never cried in front of people before. When we heard the news about our parents Maddie cried out and so did our siblings, I waited, in patient til I was alone. And when I was, I just completely collapsed.

My phone charged and I open is, noticing a messages from Victoria. I just wiped my tears away, which came after I locked myself in my room.

"Hey, loved tonight, let's do it again ;)"

I giggled, and it was true, she loved it. And so did I.

"Sure, just tell me when, X" 


i have nothing to say, how are y'allllll?

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