𝑻 𝑾 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝒀 - 𝑻 𝑾 𝑶 ♱

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More than ten kisses get placed on my cheek, and warm arms are wrapped around me. Olivia, who is standing behind me, is about to go home, after she stayed here for two whole weeks. "I love you, I love you, I love you", she says, making me smile, hugging her back. "I love you too", I give her a smile, seeing Maddison with her scooter appearing on the driveway, to pick Olivia up. "You girls will probably see each other tomorrow again", Thomas chuckles, giving Olivia a hug.

"No, you guys have rehearsels tomorrow, so the day after tomorrow", Olivia slaps my ass, walking towards her twin sister. "No we do-", before Ethan can finish his sentence, I kick him against his knee, making him whine in pain. Luckily Olivia didn't hear it, and gives me some air kisses. "What the fuck Vic", Ethan kicks me back, while we watch Maddison and Olivia driving back towards the city. "I'll explain later", without giving any of my best friends another face, I walk inside, jumping on the couch, together with my little dog chili.

A month passed since we went to Milan, and Olivia and I only got closer. She stayed here for two whole weeks straight, and we see each other every minute of every day, maybe that is a little much. "Is something wrong Vic?", Damiano sits down next to me, letting Chili jump on his lap. "It doesn't feel right", I mutter, laying my head on Damiano his shoulder. "What doesn't feel right?", the singer wraps his hand around mine. "I mean, I love her, oh gosh I love her so much, but maybe it's a little much, I mean we are so young", I sigh, really deep. "But what is bothering you then?", he asks.

"Olivia is amazing, and I really can not live without her, but something is just not feeling right", I feel horrible for my own feelings, I was the one who fell in love with her, even before she fell in love with me. And right now I'm telling my best friend, that I think we spend too much time together. "She loves you too, and she never had someone she loved so much, talk to her, together you can fix this", he says, when Ethan, comes in, seeing a tear rolling down my cheek. "Oh no, I see tears", Ethan hurries towards me, starting to hug me, making me only sob harder.

Like Ethan isn't even here, Damiano and I continue our conversation. "I don't wanna say it", I mumble, swallowing, but I know I have to say what is actuallt bothering me. I know Olivia changed in the last months, but you can never completely change someone. "What?", together Damiano and Ethan ask. "Sometimes I think we are just a toxic relationship", I cover my eyes with my hands, and Damiano sighs. "Why in hell would you think that?", Damiano asks, cuddling me. Ethan has no idea where this is all about, but he shuts his mouth.

After we have been quiet for ten minutes, Damiano grabs my cheeks, looking strict into my eyes. "You girls are everything but toxic, she loves you, she loves you so much, and you love her so much, why would you think you girls are in a toxic relationship". I want to answer, but the words won't come. And to be honest, I have no idea why it doesn't feel right, or why I feel this way about our relationship. "Maybe you need some time, you have been together every minute straight the last two months", the singer says. "Maybe", I mutter, laying down on the couch, staring at the ground.

"Maybe she died", a voice wakes me up from my sleep, realizing it's Thomas

"She sleeps idiot", an annoyed Giorgia caresses my cheek, and I keep my eyes shut

"She was really upset, that is what Dami said", Giorgia says, and I feel Thomas lifting me.

When Thomas lays me down on my bed, I feel my head pounding, and for the first time this week I wish my girlfriend was here to hug and kiss me. I feel so horrible, the past week, she was here, and two days I wished I woke up alone, being alone for a minute. Maybe I just need some time alone, without Olivia. That thought makes me feel even more horrible, has there even been a women who wished her girlfriend away?

With a knot in my stomach I grab my phone out of the night stand, seeing I got some messages from Olivia. I think I should go talk to her, maybe she knows what's bothering me.

"Hey baby, miss you already, X"

"Are you dead?"

I giggle, Olivia always thinks I'm dead when I don't respond. This proves that we are not toxic, but how can it feels like it. I mean, the last two weeks we did such amazing stuff. She took me to the beach, out for forest walks, to clubs, and I took her to gigs, that is all not part of a toxic relationship right?

"Hey, uhm can I talk to you, maybe tonight, I really have to"

I swallow after I sent the message. What in gods name should I tell her, that something is bothering me.

"Sure, are you okay?"

"I'll come to yours, in an hour?"

"Vic?! Are you ok?"

"In an hour is okay"

Ignoring her question, I drop my phone on the bed and close my eyes, asking myself for the tenth time these two days the same questions. How can you feel this way about this relationship when you date the most beautiful, most amazing and hottest girl in the universe.

*Olivia posts a picture of Victoria and her in the sea*

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Tagged: vicdeangelis

Oliviaesposito: You. And. Me


Vicdeangelis: <3

Oliviaesposito: vicdeangelis ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily so much


Thomasraggi__: I made that picture B)

Oliviaesposito: thomasraggi__ cool bro


Maneskinfan1: how does it feel, to live my dream?

Maneskinfan2: maneskinfan1 of what?

Maneskinfan1: maneskinfan2 of dating Victoria de fucking angelis 


awwwhh poor vic, and also poor liv

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