𝑻 𝑾 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝒀 - 𝑵 𝑰 𝑵 𝑬 ♱

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After avoiding my friends and Victoria for more than fifteen minutes, Giorgia grabs my arm. "Are you okay Liv?", she asks, and we both sit down on the light grey couch, which is standing on the veranda. "My aunt literally told me that women don't belong together twice today, and I just want to leave", I sigh, biting in my lower lip. "For real?! What did she say?", Giorgia asks, and hands me a little cupcake, decorated by Fabio with sprinkles and little pieces of blue colered chocolate. "She said that it's a bad influence for Lina, Mauro and Vincenzo to see Vic and me together", I say, sighing annoyed by my aunt.

"That sucks Liv, that really sucks", she mutters, causing me to chuckle. "Thank Gio, I really can do something with this great advice", I chuckle, and Giorgia kicks against my ankle. "I never said I was great at giving advice", she black haired girl laughs, and I see Victoria sitting alone on the bench again. "I'm going to talk to Viccy", I say, handing my half-eaten cupcake to Giorgia, since it was literally way to sweet for me. "Why this?", she asks, looking questioning. "Maybe you want to eat it", I laugh, while she throws the cupcake at me.

"Hello my love, why are you here alone?", I ask, sitting down next to Victoria, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "I don't really feel comfortable, because of your aunt", she mumbles, and I kiss her forehead. "Leave it, she is not going to accept, and we shouldn't care", I say, smiling at Victoria, who gives me a tiny smile back. "What did she say in the kitchen?", she asks, and I sigh again. "That we are a bad influence", I see Victoria looking back at the ground and I grab both her cheeks with my hand, making her look in my eyes. "Wait a minute", I press a kiss on her lips and run towards Thomas.

"Give me your car keys?", I order, causing the guitarist to look weird. "Why, no, it's my car", he says, covering his purse with his hand, out of protection. "Give them, I need to use your car", I snap, looking strict in his eyes. "Why?!", he snaps back and I gesture him to be quiet. "Because your best friend is sad, and I don't have a car", I say, making puppy eyes. "Ow no, use Gio's car", he says, starting to chuckle a little bit. "That one is small, Thomas please!", I whisper-scream. "Please don't ruin my car, I love her", he says, sighing, while handing me his car keys. "You're the best", I smile, kissing him on his cheek. "Yes, and you are going to fuck in my car". I grin, and run back to Victoria.

"Come with me, my love", I say, grabbing her hands. "Why?", she asks, and I really start to get annoyed by the fact that people keep asking me the word 'why?'. "Because you're sad, and I'm here to cheer you up". I say, and as soon as we arrive at the parking place, I start kissing her cheekbone. "Ow, this is what you meant", she chuckles, and I lead her towards Thomas his car. After I opened it, we got in, and it closed again. "Gosh I love you", I whisper, climbing on top of Victoria. "Show me", she whispers, wrapping her legs around my body, letting me fall against hers.

My lips traced over her neck, and Victoria her load breathing made me kiss her even rougher. "Gosh, please go on", she moans, and while continues leaving love marks in her neck, I start unclosing her white lace blouse. "You're so badass, I love it", she moans, and her blouse lands on one of the other chairs in Thomas his car. "Why would I be badass?", I ask, placing my lips on her flawless skin, tracing down her body. "Fucking me in my best friend's car, on a birthday party at your homophobic aunt and uncle, I think that is pretty bad- oh my gosh", she wasn't able to finish speaking, when my lips hit her thighs. "You are so desperate for me, love", I whisper against her sensetive spot, earning a moan from her. "Please please go on", she says, making me chuckle. I love hearing her beg.

I spread her thighs, and squeeze harsh in her hips, making her gasp. "You like that, hun?", I ask, kissing her inner thighs, while Victoria is doing her best to stay quiet. "Gosh, I wanna scream", she moans, and I kiss her aching spot even rougher, making it harder for my girlfriend to hold the screams. "Than scream", I whispers against her skin, and she lets it go, loader than I imagined. My face makes it's way back to Victoria her face, and I press a kiss on her sweaty lips. "Feeling less sad already?", I ask, feeling a hand squeezing in my butt, which makes me gasp. "Way less", she winks, and starts a heavy make out session.

I remember the time when we had our first time. We had no idea we would fall in love with each other, and we just though it was a one night stand. But it was not, oh no it was not. I have no fucking clue about what to do without her. She made me the person I am now, the person who can love, the person who cares about others. How I acted in the beginning, and how I broke her heart when she wanted me as first, I'll always regret letting her down like that. But I'll also never, ever forget the feeling I got, the first time I fell in love for real, and I was in love with being in love.

The way she made me feel was special, and because of her I feel loved, in so many different ways. Because of her I have a new family. The band became so important for me the last months, and I can't imagine a world without everyone. She gave me a best friend, Thomas, who was the first real best friend I've ever had.

On our slowest tempo we walk back towards the party, when Victoria stops me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I look at the bassist, the girl who made my life better. For minutes long, we stare at each other. Caressing each others cheeks and arms, placing love kisses on each other noses. "Remember how toxic we were, and how that turned into this", she says, making me blush. "I do, and I never regret falling in love with you, instead of continuing that toxic relationship", I say, and she blushes even more.  


it's done, and I'm so happy it all ended well between our girls. 

THANK U ALL SO FREAKING MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT, it's really heart warming to see how much you all loved the story as much as I did while writing it, love you all so much. 

new books will be up very very soon

X, me Eva <3333

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