𝑺 𝑬 𝑽 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝑬 𝑬 𝑵 ♱

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Victoria whispers hot things in my ear, which give me chills. We are on our way to the train station. Today I'll make my Christmas gift for her become real. I'm taking her to a hotel in Milan, with diner. The cab driver humms along with his katy perry cd, and I hear my suitcase sliding over the trunk. "You are such a pretty pretty girl", Victoria places little kisses on my cheek, caressing the other one. "Are you excited Vic?", I ask, raising my eyebrow. She blushes and wraps both her arms around my neck. "I am", bright smiling she says and I push her away, grinning.

Man, it was so busy on the train station, people who asked for pictures or made pictures of us. And I already know what will be on the news paper tomorrow. 'Victoria de Angelis has a girlfriend?'. Me and my girlfriend finally sit down on our seat, and luckily it isn't that busy in this cabin. "I promised to text Thomas when we arrived in train", my phone appears out of my bag, and I type a messages to Thomas. "I'm gonna try to sleep", Victoria grabs her sleeping mask out of her back and pulls it over her eyes.

The train trip takes more than three hours, and I have never been able to sleep in any vehicle. "Sleep well", I say, pressing a kiss on her forehead. Her head leans on my shoulder and I look through the window, while Victoria is breathing in my face.

"Never knew Milan was so beautiful", Victoria squeezes in my hand out of excitement. I smile, we look together over the square where our hotel is. "I did", giggling I almost pull my girl inside the hall. When we step in, it's immediately quiet around us. People are only whispering. Victoria carries the suitcase, we share and my legs bring me towards the reception, to get the keys. "I booked a room for a night", I smile at the women, who smiles back. "Which name?", she asks, looking at her computer.

"Esposito", I say, making Victoria look up, and than I realized I've never actually told her my last name. The women smiles, handing me over our key. "Baby, your last name is amazing", I smile, and she's right. My index finger pushes on the button towards the 3th floor. "Let's go", I take her hand and walk with Victoria into the elevator as soon as it opens.

The heavy wooden door opens, and I turn on the soft light in the room. I let Victoria walk in first, and she covers her mouth, gasping. The first thing you see is a huge bathroom, with a bubble bath, rain shower and two white sinks. In the rest of the room, there is a little velvet couch, and a small desk. But the best thing is of course the king size bed, with satin light brown sheets. "O my gosh baby, I love it", my girlfriend wraps her arms around me, pulling me close. "Stop talking". She wide-eyed, biting on her lips, and I push her backwards on the bed.

Wanting, she looks in my eyes, starting to unclose her blouse. I just stand there, grinning at her. "Stop doing that my love", with my right hand I stop her from undressing herself. "What why?", a little disappointed she asks. I make myself hang above her lifting her upper body against mine. "I want you to ride my thigh baby", I whisper in her ear, making her gasp. My fingers slide trough her dark blond hair and my black hair hangs over her shoulders.

She rolls over me, and I sit down on te edge of the bed, with victoria on my tighs. "Do what I told you", looking in her eyes, I order her, making her move her hips. With both my hands I help her moving against my tighs. While moving, Victoria plugs her nails in my shoulder blades, breathing load in my ear. "Ride my thighs like you love me", I say, causing her to move faster, making moans escape out of our mouths. "I do love you", load moaning she says. The feeling in my stomach got heavier and our movements were in the same rythm. "Gosh, Victoria", I threw my head backwards, while her sweaty hands were in my neck.

She climaxed and less than a second later so did I, making us both moan in pleasure. "My gosh, what have you done with me", she chuckles, trying to control her heavy breathing. "I make you happy in ways no one else can", I say, letting her fall on the bed, next to me. "You are very full of yourself, right Liv?", her legs were over mine, and she played with my hair, placing kisses on my pale skin. "I'm just telling you the facts", I grin, looking at our suitcase which still stands there, unopened. "We are having diner in town, I found a place", I turn my face towards her, pressing my lips on hers, holding her soft cheeks.

"No, we are not leaving yet", I pull her back, as soon as she wants to crawl off the bed. "What if I want", she says, shoving me a middle finger. "I don't really care about what you want my love", grinning, I place kisses in her neck, making her wrap her arms and legs around me. "Now I'll stay", chuckling she caresses my arms, letting my lips trace over her face and neck.

*Olivia posts a picture with Victoria, hugging on the balcony*

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Tagged: vicdeangelis

Oliviaesposito: found some love for you in my heart, and it's only for you


Thomasraggi__: also some love for me bestie?

Vicdeangelis: thomasraggi__ back off she's mine

Oliviaesposito: thomasraggi__ #bestiesssssss


Ykaaar: not me being jealous bc you are in Milan

Giorgiasoleri_: not me being unsulted bc my boyfriend would rather be with you in Milan than with me at home

Oliviaesposito: ykaaar giorgiasoleri_ relationship problems?


Vicdeangelis: you can have all my love

Oliviaesposito: vicdeangelis <333


Maneskinfan1: WaIt WhAt??????

Maneskinfan2: vic has a girlfriend?????!!!!!!!!! 


fuck romeo and juilet, I want what these bitches have. (my bf will kill me haha, love you baby)

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