𝑻 𝑯 𝑰 𝑹 𝑻 𝑬 𝑬 𝑵 ♱

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Victoria her text hit me like a rock this morning, and I have no idea what made her change her mind, since she told me I fucked up yesterday and right now she wants to talk to me. My airpods scream 'in nome del padre' into my ears, while around me, my family is dancing on Christmas music. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, but not in November. I haven't respond to Victoria yet, and to be honest I have no idea what to say to her. My phone buzzed and I sighed in relief when I saw it was Thomas.

"Vic wants to talk to you!!!"

I chuckled, by his enthusiasm, and because of the fact that I already knew this.

"I know, but what do I say, I haven't respond"

"just ask how late or something, I don't know, I'm just very excited"

I shut down my phone and giggle, continuing making myself breakfast, although it's past two in the afternoon. After I almost finished my sandwhich with pesto, my phone buzzed again and I just can't refuse looking who it is.

"Can I be at urs in an hour?"

My heart starts beating so fast, it's about to stop any minute. The messages is from Victoria, and right now I know I have to respond something.

"Sure, I'll wait in the hall, than we maybe can go get some coffee"

I may seem confident over the phone, but in real life, it took me a whole minute to write this message to her, since my hands are shaking as fucked. "I'm seeing Vic in an hour, is that okay", I put my airpods back in their case and look questioningly at my twin sister, who is dancing with Line on 'Underneath the tree'. "Sure, will you be here for diner?", she says, while I'm wondering why I lie about seeing Victoria. "I think", I hurry towards my room, realizing I'm still wearing my very not-sexy pajama.

The hour passed very, but very very slowly. That's maybe mostly because I've been waiting in the hall for more than twenty minutes right now. Every minute I look at my watch, seeing only one minute passed. But finally, there she is, on her scooter. "Hi Liv", awkwardly she says, getting off of her scooter, pulling off her helmet. "Hi Vic", I smile, just as awkward as she is. "Shall we go get some cof-", I interrupt her sentence, by walking towards her, and pressing my pink lips on hers. This was setting me on fire, and she did not hesitate, and kissed me back immediately.

With both my arms wrapped around her waist, I pull her closed to me and her hand rest on my cheeks. It's a good thing I live a little outisde of downtown, so there are barely people around us right now. As soon as we broke up I saw a tear rolling down her cheek, I wiped it away, wishing it was a tear of hapiness. "Let's go get some coffee", I turned her around, and sat down behind her on the scooter, leaning my head on her back, and smelling her hair, which smelled like blossom and honey.

She stopped at the exact same cafe Thomas and I drank something a week ago. Without saying anything we both got off the scooter and walking inside, I felt chills as soon as she wraps her hand in mine. Also here there were barely people, but yet we sat down in the corner on two dark green velvet chairs, with a dark brown old-fashioned wooden table. We chose our coffee and a waitress took the order. "Liv, why didn't you tell me about your parents?", she asks, as soon as the waitress steps away. "It felt like something I didn't had to tell", crazy enough, I don't feel tears coming up, maybe because I already cried enough in the past week.

"You should have, I know how it feels", she takes my hand, playing with the two fake golden rings around my fingers. "My mom died, six years ago", she said, and I wide-eyed, while Victoria stared at my hand. "O my gosh Vic", I said, slowly and she swallowed. The coffees came and I quickly started drinking, almost burning my mouth.

A little silence past before I said something, "you know I can say this a million more times, but I'm sorry, I should not have treaten you this way Vic", I said, making her smile. "It's okay Liv, what you said over the phone was all I needed to know", she giggles, and my heart melts. "I can say it again", I chuckled, while I slide my chair closer to her, to press a tiny kiss on her lips. "I love you Vic". She blushed and laid her head down on my shoulder, still playing with the rings around my finger.

"Wanna stay for diner?", I asked, sipping the last coffee out of my glass. "Yes I love your family". I chuckled, "beware, they are already in the Christmas mood". I laughed and Victoria raised her eyebrow, "it's November". "I know right", we both laughed and takes my hand, placing a little kiss on it. I never thought loving someone for real felt so insane good, but here I am. The toxic girl, in love with a rockstar.

Outside of the cafe, I take her hips and pull her close against me, making her wrap her arms around me. A few people look weird and I just wanna give them a middle finger. "Aren't we leaving", she says, starting to blush pretty much. "Vic?", I asked, looking deep in her blue-green eyes. "Olivia?", she asked back, playing with my hair. "Will you be my g-girlfriend?". Her face lights up and she starts smiling so bright. "Yes, yes please", she laughed, pressing a kiss on my lips. "I love you Liv", I smiled, letting go of her, and jumping on her scooter.

"Can I drive?", I played with some buttons, before Victoria stopped me. "Be careful, this thing was expensive", she speaks serious, making me grin. "Please? you know I have my own too", I made puppy eyes, and she raised her eyebrows again. "Yes but mine is different, and more expensive. If you break this thing, I'll send you the check", she giggle, kissing my forehead.

She taught me a little bit how to drive her scooter, but I still suck at it. First I drive way too fast, and then I drive way too slow. "Olivia!", scared like a little child, Victoria hold me tight, to not die. "Yes, I'm trying, sorry", I laugh, while pressing a random button. "Okay stop!", my girlfriend snaps and I make the scooter til stopping. "You will never drive my scooter again", she points at me, holding her laughs. We switch places and without any other words, she drives away, towards my house.


awww isn't this just what we wanted for the girls???!!

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