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Craig looked around at his familiar class, he had grew up with these people and they pretty much all looked the same. Mr Garrison was a little older now but he still managed to handle the whole class as he had been doing since 3rd grade. The raven haired boy scanned his eyes around the room until he landed on the desk next to him. A boy in an orange parka, Kenny Mccormick. He was out cold on his desk, he could swear he even saw drool dripping from his desk. Every time he layed eyes on him he couldn't help but feel his heart hurt, but why? Mccormick was an pervy asshole, not someone to feel bad for.

I studied him, the way he layed at his desk quietly. His chest lifting up and down peacefully as he slept. I can't shake the feeling that deep down i know something about this boy that my mind isn't letting me remember. I hate it. Stupid bastard, making me think this fucking hard. Maybe he did something to me, like manifested me with some crystals or some shit. Nah, that's Wendy's thing.

Class dragged on for another half an hour until ever student ( except Kenny ) was scared half to death by a loud yell. "KENNY MCCORMICK ARE YOU SLEEPING IN MY CLASS AGAIN?" Everyone looked over at the sleeping boy and a few snickers were let out here and there. "Kenny you lazy fuck!" Kyle poked his friend with a ruler & got no response whatsoever. Craig noticed he had been sleeping a lot in classes lately, but why? Mr Garrison walked over to his desk and lifted his head up, which instantly caused him to hide his face with his hands. He mumbled something under his coat which sounded like he said 'fuck off' which must've been correct as Stan, Kyle & Eric started laughing and ooing. Mr Garrison shook his head and lifted kenny's head all the way up. "You sleep anywhere but this class." The tired boy waved his hand indicating for the teacher to go away whilst muttering.

I find it strange how Kyle, Cartman & Stan can all understand their friends muffled voice perfectly but to the rest of us it's barley readable. Sometimes it makes sense and other times it's complete nonsense. Maybe i should learn his little language, but why should i even care? Even if he does give me a terrible feeling every time i lay eyes upon him it doesn't mean i should react to that. He's just another guy in school, he means absolutely nothing.

Kenny rested his arm on his head and looked toward Craig, who strangely enough, was staring right at him. He was lost in thought so he didn't look away and the boy in the orange parka laughed a little. "The fuck you looking at tucker?" He mumbled but in a more understandable way. Suddenly the raven headed boy snapped back to reality and turned his head away, flipping him off as doing so. How embarrassing. Finally, the bell rang and the class was dismissed for lunch. Craig didn't really care for lunch since all they did was sit down and talk and that wasn't a favorable thing of his. He approached his locker and met up with his friends Clyde, Token & Tweek. He grabbed his lunchbox and shoved it into his bag. "Ngh- Hey Craig!"


"Are you b-busy later?"


"You wanna maybe grab a coffee?"

"Not really Tweek"

"But you said ack- you weren't busy?"

"I just don't want to"

Ever since we broke up in 6th grade he's been non stop asking me out. I feel a little bad but he needs to just move on and realize i don't like him like that anymore, to be honest i never really did. Everyone forced us together and i just went along with it until the whole "Gays are cute!" Thing died down and i broke it off. I don't think Tweek has a crush on me but i think he just wants someone to love again, which is reasonable i guess.

Suddenly he snapped out of thought and was met with an almost empty hallway. He must've been lost in thought again. "What assholes." he shut his locker and made his way down to the cafeteria. He saw his friends, who decided to sit on the same table as Eric's group. He approached them and realized the only available seat was next to Kenny, he wanted to just turn around and leave but Clyde had already noticed him and called him over, loudly. This caused Kenny & Kyle to turn around, the ginger didn't care and carried on talking but the boy in the orange parka continued to look at him, almost like he was lost in his eyes. Craig glared at Clyde before taking his seat next to Kenny, scooting over to Token as much as he could. The three engulfed into conversation, leaving Craig alone with his thoughts as per usual. He bit into his sandwich and found himself listening in on the other tables conversation.

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now